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PWC board chairman proposes $9.6 million in FY 14 budget cuts to keep tax bills “flat”

Corey Stewart, chairman of the Prince William Board of County Supervisors, has issued a four-page proposal “for discussion” to eliminate $9,654,148 from the county’s FY 14 budget to keep tax bills “flat” for county taxpayers. He said the proposal is a starting point in his directive to board members to “be ready” to discuss their budget recommednations at the board’s Nov. 20 meeting.

Stewart proposes to eliminate $626,372 for the Juvenile Court Services Unit and $3,675,760 for the Health Department including noprofits. The county wouold no longer fund “services that are the responsibility of the Commonwealth and are not mandated,” according to the chairman’s proposal.

He said he was also recommending cuts to programs “that are local choices…but a lower priority than the County’s Strategic Priorities of public safety and transportation/economic development.” Cuts to lesser prioerity services in FY 14 Stewart recommends include:

• Eliminating sports tourism grants of $10,506, making Bluebird bus tours self-supporting, eliminating, $30,000 and closing all neighbord hood libraries two days a week, for savings of $360,362, for a total of $400,868.

• Shifting four middle school rescourse police officers back to patrol for a savings of $520,000.

• Eliminating TRIP operating funds of $460,822 and TRIP capital funds of $1.5 million, for a total of $1,960,822.

* Taking the long-term care ombudsman in house, eliminating $47,000 and eliminating substance abuse treatment for jail inmates, $582,030 for a total of $629,0030.

• Eliminating $941,296 of nonprofit donations: to Northern Virginia Family Services (Healthy Families donation) of $170,033; arts grants donations of $241,000; Legal Services of Northern Virginia, $161,729; High Growth Coalition of $6100; Virginia Association of Counties of $88,440; Natioanl Association of Counties, $5205; NVRC of $210,432; Greater Washington Marketing Partnership of $25,000; and ENS Youth Mentoring of $33,357.

He also recommends eliminating the Columbus Day and President’s Day holidays for county workers for a savings of $900,000. This “will ensure we are able to keep funding the salary increases in the Five-Year Plan,” he said.

Stewart said the amount of cuts needed are $9,654,148. His recommedations are $506,340 above that number “to give room for Board discussion.”

Stewart said he is “committed” to working with the community, the School Board, staff and board members “to find the best path.” The board “must listen to the community,” he stressed. The board chairman may be reached at 703-792-4640.

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