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PWC to open homeless shelter

The Prince William County Government Winter Shelter, operated by the Department of Social Services, will open today, Tuesday, Oct. 30, 2012, which is two days earlier than normal. Typically, the winter shelter opens Nov. 1. Social Services decided to open the shelter early due to the expected cold weather.

The shelter is located at 14730 Potomac Mills Road, in Woodbridge and operates overnight seven days a week from 6:30 p.m. to 7 a.m. until March 31, 2013. The shelter is for single individuals only and is run on a first-come, first-served basis; however, single women may be referred to an overflow program. The maximum capacity of the Winter Shelter is 50 people, which includes staff members. Winter Shelter provided services are meals, beds, showers and referrals for additional resources.

During daytime hours Monday-Saturday at the winter shelter facility, the Department of Social Services partners with the Cooperative Council of Ministries to provide a “Drop-In Center” for homeless individuals to receive mental health referrals, GED classes and employment assistance from area churches, homeless service providers and individuals. 

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