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Prince William County roads closed due to hurricane impact

Two roads in Prince William County were closed this afternoon in the wake of Hurricane Sandy moving northward.

Reid Lane at Vint Hill Road in Nokesville was deemed not passable and was closed due to flooding.

Little River Rd / Log Mill Rd had high water and a tree down and deemed not passable.

Joplin Rd at KM 18 had reopened after a tree & power lines were removed and Lake Jackson Drive at Hillcrest Lane was reopened after a tree down across telephone lines and blocking the road were removed.

Other roads being closely watched were Sudley Manor / Garner Drive, with high water but passable; standing water on Pageland Lane at US 29 (Lee Hwy) but passable; Old Centreville Rd / McLean Wy in Manassas Park has water encroaching from shoulder of Old Centreville but is still passable; at Artemus Rd / Haddonfield Ln, there is high water but still considered passable. At Aden Rd / Parkgate Dr in Nokesville, there is skimming of water across all four lane but the roads are still considered passable. There is high water at the Ingram Dr one- lane bridge but the road is passable.

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