Woodbridge Sr. High School’s Center for Fine and Performing Arts Theatre Director Terri Caretti selected “The Election” by Don Zolidis for the fall production. This new, two act play is about an election for student body president after the current president resigns. The play is set to perform Nov. 2 and 3 before the Nov. 6 Election Day and Nov. 9 and 10, right after Election Day. at 7:30 p.m. in the auditorium at 3000 Old Bridge Road in Lake Ridge.
Over the summer, the director was reading scripts trying to pick two one acts to put on for the fall show. Last season, the theatre department performed “The Audition” by Don Zolidis. The playwright sent Caretti a script of The Election and she found it too good to pass up. “When I read the play. it was the right piece at the right time; just the thing to help students get interested in what is going on in our country with the current election right around the corner. This isn’t a partisan piece; it just looks at elections on a humorous level. Hopefully, it will also get students out there participating in our government system to make a change for the better.”
Students so far are enjoying rehearsals and looking forward to the production., a news release said.
The premise of the play is this: Mark Davenport decides to run for student body president after the current president resigns in disgrace. His only opponent is nerdy Christy Martin, who wants to eliminate football! Mark thinks he will cruise to victory, but Christy has a mysterious Super PAC backing her and transforms her into a contender. The play is hilarious and a timely satire on the contemporary political scene.
Tickets will be sold at the door. For more information about the play call 703-497-8000 or go to http://woodbridgehs.schools.pwcs.edu/
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<a href="http://www.bullrunnow.com/news/article/01297">Prince William County drama students to perform “The Election” before and after Election Day Nov. 6</a>