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Matthew’s Center to expand autism services with help from Potomac Health Foundation

Matthew’s Center, a Manassas organization dedicated to enhancing the lives of children and families affected by autism, has announced it will open a Potomac campus this fall. The expansion is possible due to a large grant awarded by the Potomac Health Foundation, a news release said. The campus location was not disclosed.

Offering Matthew’s Center’s autism services in the Potomac Health Foundation service area will expand access. Children 5-21 with severe autism and related disabilities, who have a high incidence of aggression, self-injurious behavior (SIB), and elopement, will have access to essential Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) supportive services, the news release said. These services include educational instruction, afterschool recreation and leisure programs and summer camp.

John Markwood, board chairman for Matthew’s Center, was quoted in a press release as saying, “The Board of Matthew’s Center is very proud of all that this award represents.  Not only does it validate the quality of the services provided to students by our Center, but it extends the services to an area of the region where services are not readily accessible.  We congratulate our staff as well for their efforts in building this partnership.”

According to Betsy O’Dell, Executive Director of Matthew’s Center, the grant will allow the organization to serve “twice the number of families affected by this disability; and services will be provided in a location more accessible to many.”

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