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Open Space Arts looking for art inspired by women authors; deadline is Feb. 14

Open Space Arts located at Stonebridge at Potomac Town Center at 15000 Potomac Town Place, Woodbridge, is inviting artists of all ages to submit art for its “Page-turning Images Found in Women’s Literature” show coming in March.

The OSA Steering Committee said in a news release that it is looking for local artists who have been inspired by a woman author’s literary work and how the entrant used the author’s words as the influence for his or her creative work.  Photography works for this project are also welcomed.

All artist submissions are welcome even if they do not have do not have a famous author who has inspired them. All artists are encouraged to submit their work anyway for jurying.

The submission period closes Tuesday, Feb. 14, 2023 at 11:59 pm. Delivery of art is needed by by Feb. 26 and 27 - see entry form for full details.

While the Open Space Arts’ focus is on Prince William Art Society and Prince William County Arts Council members, OSA is extending this event to outside artists as an opportunity to show new and potential members a view of the exceptional artists who reside in Prince William County.

There are some glass-topped display drawers that can hold small pieces such as jewelry and ceramic pieces. OSA is highly interested in sculptors and other media as well. Please note the size requirements for the different display areas are listed in the entry form.

All work shown at OSA Gallery is juried for exhibition. All work is also marked to sell.

OSA does not use themes in the work selected for display at the gallery but relies on the artist’s interpretation of the title and topic. For assistance, contact Herb Williams with Prince William County’s Department of Parks, Recreation, Tourism and History at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address). Selected artists will be notified by Feb.19, 2023.

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