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New College & industry work together on apprenticeship training for actual jobs

New College Institute (NCI) in Martinsville, VA has partnered with Manufacturing Skills Institute (MSI) to provide an Advanced Manufacturing Machine Operator Registered Apprenticeship Program (AMMORAP).

The Registered Apprenticeship Program is a proven training model for growing and retaining a skilled workforce in today’s competitive business environment. The “earn while you learn” approach combines on-the-job training and related classroom instruction. A company can assemble a skilled workforce, and employees get paid training and the ability to advance when they complete the program.

Virginia Manufacturing Association (VMA) contracted with the US Department of Labor to assist in expanding Registered Apprenticeship Programs across the US.

Manufacturing Skills Institute (MSI)  partners with employers to develop apprenticeship programs in various industries, ranging from cyber to electric power generation, transmission, and distribution to transportation and skilled trades.

Clifford House, Quality Assurance Instructor at New College Institute negotiated the new program. “My hope is that we can provide manufacturers with the skilled workforce that is able to facilitate all the different production needs at the same time providing apprentices with quality employment,” House explained.

Focused on machine operators, this program offers paid training to be completed in a 12-month period. Grant money is available to aid the apprentices during their training.

Direct training from subject matter experts aids both the apprentice and the sponsor. Related Technical Instruction (RTI) is composed of 144 hours of virtual training which includes: Manufacturing Technician Level 1 Credential, OSHA 10 plus additional safety training for manufacturing, Basic Machine Technology, and Process Safety Management course.

Manufacturing Skills Institute offers students seeking the MT1 Certification a Pre-MT1 Assessment. The Pre-MT1 prepares students to obtain certifications issued by MSI and included in the National Skills Certification System for critical manufacturing occupations.

The new partnership arrives on the heels of Governor Youngkin’s recent proclamation recognizing November as Virginia Apprenticeship Month.

The Advanced Manufacturing Registered Apprenticeship Program offers multiple sessions.  Go to to learn more and register. For more information email Clifford House at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) or call him at 276-403-5671.

Manufacturing Skills Institute (MSI) partners with employers across the US to provide a variety of Registered Apprenticeship Programs in manufacturing and supply chain logistics industries. MSI provides professional facilitation and consulting assistance to establish innovative strategies that will propel the program once it begins. Additional resources are available for training and on-site implementation.

Virginia Manufacturing Association, since 1922, is a manufacturing industry advocate nationwide. VMA develops constructive policies and activities on behalf of businesses, helping them face the legislative, regulatory, taxation, environmental, workplace, business law, insurance, and technology issues and aggregating business services for its members.

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