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Mental health nonprofit holding info session/fundraiser July 22

Project Freda, a mental health nonprofit, is holding an informational/fundraiser party this afternoon, Friday, July 22, from 4:30 to 6 PM at 9255 Center Street, Suite 200, Manassas 20110. Light refreshments will be served. Anyone interested is welcome to attend. 

Project Freda is guided by the belief that providing a “bridge to healing” via accessible high quality mental health services as early as possible in a given episode of mental health vulnerability is a win-win for all concerned. It both reduces the individual’s suffering (a good all on its own), and results in reduced costs to society. Without timely mental health treatment, vulnerable individuals can experience societally costly psychiatric hospitalizations, incarceration, addiction, harm to children due to unstable caretakers, and work absences, among many other negative consequences, according to Gillian Clissold, board chairman of the nonprofit organization.

Project Freda seeks to provide that “bridge to healing” by offering free/sliding scale services to the portions of the population most likely to slip between the cracks of the US mental health system – economically challenged individuals with no or inadequate insurance. The Project particularly prioritizes assisting formerly incarcerated individuals take care of their mental health challenges as they navigate their return to freedom. The time gap between date of release and date of accessing services is often dangerously long. Project Freda seeks to provide the bridge across that gap.

The Project is a non-profit with 501c3 status from the Internal Revenue Service. It is also a Non-Stock Corporation incorporated in the State of Virginia and is registered with the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services as a non-profit approved to solicit donations. It is named after the board chairman’s mother, Freda Gunn, who had strong social justice values.

We provide evidence-based, trauma-informed mental health services in person or online in accord with the client’s preferences and/or needs. Because sessions are not be limited by insurance requirements, treatment can be flexible and innovative.

Clients seeking services via Project Freda are screened and then referred to established therapists who have agreed to comply with Project Freda’s policies and procedures, including quality control regarding services.

In some cases, therapists will be compensated for their services directly by Project Freda. In other cases, the therapists have offered to provide services “Pro Bono” (without payment).

Potential clients and referring individuals should go onto the Project Freda website,, and click on the Secure Contact Form link within the “Project Freda Services” tab. This allows provision of detailed information about services requested and scheduling options in a HIPAA compliant manner.  Alternatively, a person can call Gillian Clissold on 703 675 5361 or email her at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).

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