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Widening plan for Route 1 through Dumfries okayed by Supervisors

Prince William Board of County Supervisors recently endorsed the final plan to widen Fraley Boulevard (Route 1) through the town of Dumfries between Brady’s Hill Road and Va. 234 to a six-lane road with pedestrian and bike facilities. The project will also convert the current southbound alignment into a two-way roadway for local traffic.

The 1.9-mile project will include retaining walls, storm drainage improvements, stormwater management facilities, pedestrian, and multi-modal improvements. The purpose project is to relieve existing and projected traffic congestion, manage access, as well as improve safety by including pedestrian infrastructure.

In March, 2021, the board entered into an agreement with the Dumfries Town Council and signed a Standard Project Agreement, or SPA, with the Northern Virginia Transportation Authority, or NVTA, to allow the Prince William County Department of Transportation oversee and build the project. The county received $4 million in reimbursable NVTA 70 percent Regional funding for the design phase.

In August, 2021, the Board authorized the execution of an SPA with NVTA and budgeted and appropriated $44.9-million to fund right-of-way activities. The board’s resolution will also provide $50.6 million in VDOT SMART SCALE funding that will be available to budget and appropriate in Fiscal Year 2026. SMART SCALE funding determines which transportation projects will best serve the state. Funding for the project will come from NVTA and SMART SCALE.

In May, the board awarded $3.5 million for professional services contract to Rinker Design Associates, P.C. for right-of-way, utility and geotechnical services for the estimated $180-million project.

Representatives from the county’ transportation department have remained in touch with the town of Dumfries multiple property owners and developers through the design process which is 60 percent complete.

The estimated project completion date is set for early 2027.

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