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Traffic safety association seeks innovative ideas from students

Fredericksburg-based American Traffic Safety Services Association (ATSSA) and its Transportation Research Board (TRB) Standing Committee on Traffic Control Devices invite students to compete in the 2023 Traffic Control Device (TCD) Student Challenge.

The Challenge aims to promotes innovation and stimulate ideas in the traffic control devices industry. The goal is to improve operations and safety and encourage future generations of roadway safety professionals. As part of the challenge, individual students or student teams submit solutions in the subject area of transportation and roadway safety based on the chosen topic for the year.

The 2023 topic is “Innovative Traffic Control Devices to Improve Vulnerable Road User Safety.”

The Challenge is open to high school, junior college, college and university students or teams of students with an interest in transportation and an understanding of traffic control devices. Students in relevant fields such as transportation, human factors and technology-related curricula are particularly encouraged to participate.

“The TCD Student Challenge gives students an opportunity to tackle a real-world transportation issue and apply their knowledge and critical thinking skills to a problem that can help save lives,” said Eric Perry, ATSSA Director of Innovation & Technical Services, “With traffic fatalities increasing and deaths for vulnerable road users—such as people on foot, bicycle, scooter or wheelchair—on the rise in both urban and rural areas, this challenge offers a way for students to help us solve this important issue. This contest also offers students a way to showcase their talents before transportation professionals and open career opportunities.”

Participants will present their designs in a public forum during the 2023 TRB Annual Meeting, Jan. 8-12 in Washington, D.C. The top team also wins a $1,500 prize and the opportunity to present its submission at ATSSA’s 53rd Annual Convention & Traffic Expo, Feb. 17-21 in Phoenix.

The deadline to submit an application is Oct. 1, 2022. To learn more about the challenge, visit

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