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April 12, 2022 proclaimed Education and Sharing Day in Prince William County

Shmuel “Shmuly” Perlstein rabbi and director at Chabad of Greater Gainesville and Manassas, accepted a certificate from Prince William County Chair at-Large Ann Wheeler proclaiming April 12 as Education Sharing Day in Prince William County while Potomac District Supervisor Andrea Bailey Coles District Supervisors Yesli Vega, Woodbridge District Supervisor Margaret Angela Franklin, Brentsville District Supervisor Jeanine M. Lawson, Neabsco District Supervisor Victor S. Angry and Gainesville District Supervisor Pete Candland looked on.

Prince William Board of County Supervisors proclaimed April 12, 2022, as Education and Sharing Day in the spirit of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, and of educators and students across the county.

A quality education prepares learners with the skills necessary to take on opportunities of the future and builds character that is vital to a productive and rewarding life.

It is these values that Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, known as the Lubavitcher Rebbe, stood for and promoted. Although he witnessed the unimaginable tragedies that plagued the world during World War II, the Holocaust, and the oppression and violence of the Cold War, he continued to see the importance of education and an outstanding character.

He devoted his life to bringing education and social service institutions across the country and to the world. He spearheaded the international movement known as Chabad Lubavitch which has established thousands of educational centers across the globe. An advocate for learners of all ages, he fostered understanding and unity amongst all people regarding education.

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