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Masks now optional at Prince William County government facilities

Face coverings are no longer required in Prince William County facilities. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) announced a new COVID-19 Community Level tool based on three metrics — hospital bed use, hospital admissions, and the total number of new COVID-19 cases in an area. The new metrics place Prince William County’s current COVID-19 Community Level at low. Therefore, based on the CDC guidelines, new metrics, and the recommendations of the area health directors, the county’s face covering directive starts immediately. This means that face coverings will now be optional for employees in county facilities, except for those where health or medical services are provided.

While face coverings are no longer required in county facilities, employees and visitors can continue wearing them. No employee or visitor shall be made to feel uncomfortable for wearing or not wearing a mask.

Prince William County’s main priority continues to be the health and safety of employees and residents. The public is encouraged to get vaccinated or to get a booster shot if you are due. Visit to find a location near you. The public is also strongly encouraged to participate in other precautionary actions to stay healthy, such as hand washing and staying home when you don’t feel well.

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