The Prince William Health District What You Should Know: Effectiveness of a Third Dose of Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna Vaccines in preventing COVID-19 hospitalization among immunocompetent and immunocompromised adults
What is added by this report?
In a study of hospitalized adults, compared with receipt of 2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine doses (Pfizer, Moderna), receipt of a third dose increased vaccine effectiveness against hospitalization among adults without and with immunocompromising conditions, from 82% to 97% and from 69% to 88%, respectively.
What are the implications for public health practice?
Administration of a third COVID-19 mRNA vaccine dose as part of a primary series among immunocompromised adults, or as a booster dose among those adults having a normal immune response, provides improved protection against COVID-19 associated hospitalization. Getting vaccinated is a primary protection to help combat the effects of Covid-19.
• Wash your hands
• Wear a mask
• Social distance when you can
• Avoid large gatherings
• It’s your obligation to protect yourself, and those around you.
Hypothermia Shelters
During the Hypothermia Season (November 1, 2021 – March 31, 2022), Prince William County has two locations that can prevent persons from losing life or limb. The services are offered to people residing in Prince William County and the cities of Manassas and Manassas Park.
Hypothermia Services are provided by the following organizations:
• East (Woodbridge Area): Operated by Streetlight Ministries—can serve up to 28 single adults
• West (Sudley Corridor): Operated by Manassas Baptist Church—can serve up to 18 single adults
Who Can Be Served:
• Single homeless clients linked to Prince William Area (includes the cities of Manassas and Manassas Park) services should reach out to their individual worker for a referral for hypothermia services.
• Clients who are homeless and presently not linked to services, please contact Coordinated Entry System (CES), Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. at 703.792.3366 .
• For families with minor children in need of hypothermia services call Coordinated Entry System, 703-792-3366 , Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. –
5:30 p.m. at 703.792.3366 .
When Will Hypothermia Services Be Enacted:
• When temperatures will be 32 degrees or below including the wind chill factor.
Community Vaccination Center and Manassas Mall
Appointments are highly recommended, walk-ins are welcomed.
Sign up for appointments at for either the CVC or the Manassas Mall vaccine clinic
Community Vaccination Center (CVC)
• The Prince William CVC is located at the old Gander Mt. building, at 14011 Worth Avenue, Woodbridge, VA 22192.
• CVC hours: Monday through Saturday 8 am to 6 pm. Accepting Walk-ins.
• Visit:
Manassas Mall Clinic
• Prince William Health District at Manassas Mall COVID-19 vaccine clinic (Run by Red Sea) is located 8300 Sudley Rd, Manassas, VA 20109
• Appointments are highly recommended, limited walk-ins accepted, while vaccine supplies last.
• Vaccines offered: Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, and Pfizer 5-11 year old vaccinations, (including immunocompromised 3rd dose and boosters, according to current recommendations).
Mall Clinic Hours:
• Monday Jan. 31: 10 am to 6 pm
(Appointments are highly recommended, limited walk-ins accepted while vaccines last. vaccines offered: Pfizer, Modernaand Johnson & Johnson. Pfizer 5-11 year old vaccinations, Immunocompromised boosters, 16 and older boosters.
• Wednesday Feb. 2: 10 am to 6 pm (Appointments are highly recommended, limited walk-ins accepted while vaccines last. vaccines offered:
Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson. Pfizer 5-11 year old vaccinations, Immunocompromised boosters, 16 and older boosters.
• Friday Feb. 4 : 10 am to 6 pm (Appointments are highly recommended, limited walk-ins accepted, vaccines offered: Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson &
Johnson. Pfizer 5-11 year old vaccinations, Immunocompromised boosters,
16 and older boosters.
• Saturday February 5: 9 am to 5 pm (Appointments are highly recommended, limited walk-ins accepted, vaccines offered: Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson. Pfizer 5-11 year old vaccinations, Immunocompromised boosters, 16 and older boosters.
• Visit:
Mobile Clinic Unit
• Tuesday Feb. 1, from 11:30 am-6 pm
• The Old Triangle Rescue Squad bldg. 3800 Graham Park Road, Dumfries, VA. 22026
• Vaccines offered: Pfizer, Moderna, and Pfizer 5-11 year old vaccinations, (including immunocompromised 3rd dose and boosters, according to current recommendations) while vaccine supplies last.
• No appointments are required. Walk-ins are accepted as long as supplies last. Weather permitting.
• Thursday Feb. 3, from 11:30 am-6 pm
• Bethel Lutheran Church, 8712 Plantation Lane, Manassas VA. 20110
• Vaccines offered: Pfizer, Moderna, and Pfizer 5-11 year old vaccinations, (including immunocompromised 3rd dose and boosters, according to current recommendations) while vaccine supplies last.
• No appointments are required. Walk-ins are accepted as long as supplies last. Weather permitting.
Community Testing Center (CTC)
Located at 7 County Complex Court, Woodbridge, VA. 22192 (Pfitzner Stadium/White Tent)
Walk-ins Now Accepted
To Make an appointment:
CTC are open Saturday through Thursday 9 am to 5:30 pm.
1. If you can’t make it to your appointment or find another testing location. Walk-ins will be accepted while supplies last.
2. If you go to the scheduling site online and can’t find the CTC location, it could mean that all the appointments have been taken. Keep checking, expand your search to 100 miles and increase the number of days - the time span - you are searching.
3. CTCs are closed on Fridays, and are Blackout days to allow our lab partners to get results back. On Fridays at noon, appointments open up forSaturday & Sunday appointments.
4. Can’t find an appointment. When there are no more appointments available you cannot book for a later date, or more than 2 days out. Make sure your search uses 100 mile radius. Walk-ins available as supplies last.
5. NOTE: Some CTCs are currently managing delays of test results.
ANSWER: The delays have been caused by a variety of issues that include incorrect contact information, inconclusive tests that required additional evaluation, an interface issue with the VASE+ reporting system and the weather. The VDH CTC team and its partners are currently working on the problem and have started contacting the individuals who have been impacted. Please Do not call PWHD clinics or offices for results or issues. Call the VDH call center at 877-VAX-IN-VA (877) 829-4682 TTY users call 7-1-1
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