FROM Prince William County Police Department Reports
01/14/25 / Health & Safety / Manassas / People & Places / Police & Fire Beat /
PWC Police make arrest in connection with Jan. 9. 2025 shooting.
01/10/13 /
The Manassas City Police Department requests the public’s assistance with three separate, unrelated investigations.
Virginia State Sen. George Barker and State Delegate Rich Anderson, who represent part of the Prince William County area, will host a joint legislative town hall at the Westminster Retirement Community in Lake Ridge VA on Saturday, Jan. 12, from 10 a.m. to noon.
There was a traffic fatality Jan. 9, 2013 about 5:18 a.m. involving a Chevrolet Silverado and a Volvo log truck in Haymarket near US 15 and Stepping Stone Drive.
Fifteen Prince William County teachers have earned
01/08/13 /
A Special Election to fill the Woodbridge District seat on the Prince William County VA School Board is set for Nov. 5
01/08/13 /
Prince William County VA Police Department's crime report for Tuesday, Jan. 8, 2013 include arrest of an 11-year-old for brandishing a weapon on school property and destruction of church property
The US Surgeon General says radon gas is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the U.S. Windows and doors are closed tightly and people spend more time indoors so January is a good time to test, says EPA.
Prince William County firefighters who responded to Glenkirk Elementary School in Gainesville VA this morning, Tuesday, Jan. 8, 2013, found nothing amiss, according to a school official.