FROM P4rince William County Government
01/10/25 / Haymarket / Health & Safety / Nokesville /
Saturday Jan. 11 snow may force cancellation of rural trash & recycling pickup.
Prince William County Police Department’s crime report for Sept. 20, 2011.
09/19/11 /
The third Saturday in September is the Town of Haymarket's annual Haymarket Day, which brings people out in droves to watch the parade and have a day full of fun. Parade participants included local dignitaries, entertainers, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts as well as church groups, preschool tots and business professionals.
By Heidi M. Baumstark
09/19/11 / Breaking News / Features / Haymarket /
The 23rd annual Haymarket Day was Sept. 17. The parade through town began at 9:30 a.m. and lasted about an hour; the day wound down at 4 p.m. VA 55 was closed throughout the day as people meandered down the town's main street to visit vendors, ride rides, have a bite to eat and so much more.
Prince William County Police Department’s crime report for Sept. 19, 2011.
Residents can ask questions of Nokesville area's new state delegate Rich Anderson along with Milton Johns, School Board chairman, and Gil Trenum, Brentsville District school board member.
09/18/11 /
Those who need to go to work or to be out and about on Sept. 22 are urged to choose an mode of transportation that replaces or supplements a private vehicle.
Sesquicentennial of the Civil War event scene shifts to Woodbridge and Dumfries VA Sept. 24-25 to mark the Blockade of the Potomac.
Prince William County Police Department’s crime report for Sept. 16, 2011.