City of Manassas free, family-friendly Neighborhood Conference, “Healthy Neighborhoods: Connecting People, Ideas & Resources!,” will be held for the fifth year on Saturday, Nov. 19 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Manassas Boys & Girls Club, 9501 Dean Park Lane, will host the conference, presented by City of Manassas Neighborhood Services.
Four workshops will be given in the morning and repeated in the afternoon, They are “Get Out of Operating in the Red - HOA Financial Tips,” “It’s Easy Being Green - Organic Community Landscaping,” “Volunteer Power!” or “Lead by Example: Understanding Code Enforcement.”
Preregistration is required for an appointment for private consultation with a housing counselor during the conference.
Register youth, ages 5 to 18, for Youth CafĂ© choices that include “Youth Community Game Show” (ages 5-17), “Club Tech” (ages 5-17), “Fit U Sports Skills Challenge” (ages 5-17), “SMART Leaders Social Hour” (ages 10-17), “Career Launch” (ages 12 & up) and “Mobilizing Youth - Healthy Thinking, Emotions & Changes (ages 12-18).
Walgreens will be offering flu shots to participants 7 years and older. Most insurance plans accepted. Those with Medicare Part B will have no out-of-pocket cost. The first 80 participants without insurance who go to Walgreens’ booth, will receive a voucher for a free flu shot.
Donations of supplies for City of Manassas Animal Shelter will be gratefully accepted at the door. Needed are paper towels, disinfectant wipes, dog/cat food, kitty litter or large trash bags.
Registration is requested to plan supplies for workshops, youth activities and box lunches (vegetarian available). Register by calling Christen Zenich at 703-257-8315 or online at
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