“The whole thrust of our organization is giving,” said Kristin Falcon, president of the Heritage Hunt Women’s Organization. With nearly 300 members, HHWO supports many local groups throughout the year. Its mission statement makes its intentions clear, stating, “The purpose of the HHWO shall be to welcome and promote a social atmosphere for women residents of Heritage Hunt and to promote civic responsibility by providing donations to charitable and other community causes.”
Approximately 150 HHWO members attend general meetings and lunch on the second Tuesday of every month from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., September through June. Another 30 or so women stay for just the program. During the Christmas holidays, gifts are provided to families in need with students at Tyler Elementary and Loch Lomond Elementary schools.
“Letters are submitted to us. We rely on the schools’ guidance counselors for recommendations,” said Joanne Tuttle, community donations committee chair. Last year a total of $1,000 was spent on gifts for the selected families in each school. A donation of $500 was also made to the BARN (Benedictine Aid and Relief for Neighbors), which provides transitional housing for homeless women and their children.
Fundraising and donations do not stop when the holidays are over. Falcon estimates HHWO donates about $14,000 per fiscal year that starts July 1. HHWO does its level best to be sure as much money raised by the Fund Raising and Special Projects Committee, led by Mary Kay Dunn, goes to the charities and organizations it supports. The Program Committee is given $2,000 a year, but it does not use it,” Falcon said. The committee finds other sources to fulfill its duties, and the money in its annual budget is used for other purposes.
Read the full story on the front page of the Dec. 9 Bull Run Observer.
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