Heritage Hunt homeowners Golf and Country Club uses its impressive facilities to host a variety of events for the holidays. Many occasions involve meals or refreshments arranged for by the food and beverage staff of Billy Casper Golf, led by Tim O’Mara. Some are productions of chartered clubs within Heritage Hunt. All of them are full of holiday cheer.
On Dec. 8 and 9, the Heritage Hunt “Women of Note” scheduled its holiday concert, “The Most Wonderful Time of the Year.” The concerts in the Great Oak Ballroom were scheduled for 8 p.m., with doors opening an hour earlier allowing attendees to buy drinks. A buffet dinner for $15 per person was arranged if wanted in the Virginian Room beforehand from 5 to 8 p.m.
The Heritage Hunt Women’s Organization put a Christmas Tea at Oatlands Plantation on its “out to lunch” calendar starting at noon, with a Christmas shop and tour of the Oatlands Estate House available.
O’Mara indicated menus for events provide quality food at affordable prices for residents and their guests during the holidays. On Dec. 10 and 11, Heritage Hunt will host “Breakfast with Santa” in the Great Oak Ballroom and the Virginian Room. A buffet of scrambled eggs, bacon, muffins and more will be provided. For the children and young at heart there will be a 40-minute magic show provided by Philip and Henry Productions and photo opportunities for children with Santa. A professional photographer is available for pictures as well. Breakfast with Santa is $14 for adults, $8 for children 6 to 12, and $3 for children 5 and under.
Read the full story in the print edition of the Bull Run Observer.
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