Burglary (Previously Released)
On Sept. 21 at 1:08 a.m., police responded to the 16600 block of Georgetown Road in Woodbridge for a burglary. Homeowner reported to police the burglary occurred between 8 a.m. Sept. 20 and 12:30 a.m. Sept. 21. Entry appeared to have been made through a rear sliding glass door that had been forced opened. An undisclosed amount of U.S. currency was reported missing.
Burglary(Previously Released)
On Oct. 2 at 12:54 a.m., police responded to the 16600 block of Georgetown Road in Woodbridge for a burglary in progress. Homeowner reported to police that he had arrived home and heard footsteps from an upstairs room. The homeowner left the residence and contacted police. Police located a basement window that had been broken out. No suspects were located inside the residence. A handgun, TV and cell phone valued around $1,000 were reported missing.
On Nov. 17, police identified the accused, through evidence collected at the scene, and were able to link him to the two reported burglaries above listed above. This arrest was previously held for investigative purposes. Arrested: Abdel-Rahman Ibrahim Beshir, 18, of 2506 Transom Place in Woodbridge. Charged with burglary and grand larceny. Court date and bond information unavailable.
Malicious Wounding / Domestic Related
On Dec. 10 at 12:51 a.m., police responded to the 17400 block of Wilson St. in Woodbridge for a domestic call. The female victim, 46 of Woodbridge, reported to police that she and the accused, a known acquaintance, were involved in a verbal altercation that escalated. During the encounter, the accused allegedly picked up a small table and struck the victim in the leg. The accused then retrieved a small pocket knife and waved it towards the victim. No contact was made. The victim sustained minor injuries. The accused was still on scene and was taken into custody without further incident. Arrested: Ryan Rigney Fry, 53, of the 17400 block of Wilson St. in Woodbridge. Charged with malicious wounding and domestic assault and battery. Court date unavailable, held without bond.
Driving While Intoxicated
On Dec. 11 at 12:37 a.m., police responded to the area of Hoadly Road and the Prince William Parkway in Manassas for a report of a reckless driver. Police located the vehicle, operated by the accused, who failed to stop for the officers. The vehicle continued to Manassas City where the driver stopped in the Colonial Village area and fled on foot. After a short pursuit, the accused was arrested without further incident. The vehicle was later determined to stolen from Manassas City. Arrested: Ruddy Balmore Yanes Medrano, 24 – no fixed address. Charged with driving while intoxicated, felony eluding and obstruction of justice. Court date and bond information unavailable.
Narcotics Investigation
On Dec. 8 at 5:30 p.m., detectives from Prince William County Police – Street Crimes Unit and Fairfax County Police concluded a joint narcotics investigation into the illegal selling of prescription pain medications. The investigation revealed that the accused, Dr. Alex Yadao, had been selling oxycontin, morphine and other pain medications to patients without a medical reason to do so. The accused was putting close to 8,000 Oxycodone pills on the streets weekly through his doctor’s office in Triangle. All transactions conducted were done so in cash only, without insurance claims. A search warrant was executed at Yadao’s office at 18700 Old Triangle Road and at a basement apartment under the office. The Payne subject, who resided in the basement apartment, was determined to be involved in the illegal activities. As a result of the search warrant, several prescriptions medications, records, two vehicles and an undisclosed amount of U.S. currency were seized. Fairfax County Police executed a search warrant at Yadao’s residence in Alexandria. Further investigation revealed that both Phillips subjects were clients of Yadao and had bought nonprescribed pain medications. Both were arrested at their residence in Fauquier County and transported to Prince William County. Arrested: Alex Peralta Yadao, 73, of 9323 Old Mount Vernon Road in Alexandria. Charged with 18 counts of possession with intent to distribute a schedule II narcotic and 18 counts of prescription fraud. Keith Edward Payne, 53, of 18700 Old Triangle Road in Triangle. Charged with one count of distribution of a schedule I narcotic, one count of distribution of a schedule IV narcotic, one count of conspiracy to violate the drug act and one count of possession with intent to distribute a schedule II narcotic. Both subjects above were held without bond. Paul Mathew Phillips, 49, of 9878 Meetze Road in Midland. Charged with three counts of prescription fraud and three counts of possession of a controlled substance. Arrested: Bonnie Kay Phillips, 43, of 9878 Meetze Road in Midland. Charged with three counts of prescription fraud and three counts of possession of a controlled substance. Both Phillips subjects were held on a $10,000 secured bond. Court date for all subjects arrested is set for Feb. 6, 2012.
Fatal Crash
On Dec. 11 at 9:20 p.m., police responded to the area of Jefferson Davis Highway and Panther Pride Drive in Dumfries for a crash. The investigation revealed that the driver of a 2003 GMC Envoy was traveling southbound on Jefferson Davis Highway in the area above. After passing through the intersection, the vehicle struck a pedestrian who was walking in the roadway, outside of a crosswalk. The pedestrian was transported to an area hospital where he was pronounced dead. The driver of the GMC Envoy was not injured. At the time of this release, no charges have been placed. Investigation continues. Identified: The pedestrian has been identified as Ken Lashay Wood, 43 – no fixed address. The driver of the GMC Envoy has been identified as a 54-year-old woman of Fredericksburg.
Armed Robbery
On Dec. 10 at 9:30 p.m., police responded to investigate a robbery that was reported to have occurred in the 2900 block of Fox Lair Dr. in Woodbridge on Dec. 9 at 9:30 p.m. The female victim, 24 of Woodbridge, reported to police that she was at her vehicle in a parking lot in the above area when she was approached by two unknown men. Both men displayed handguns and demanded the victim’s purse. The men took the purse, which contained an undisclosed amount of U.S. currency, before fleeing the area on foot. No injuries were reported. Lookout: Two black males, both reported to be between 20 and 26 years of age. First male was around 5’09” 170 lbs., medium build, with long black dreadlocks and an unshaven face. Last seen wearing a black leather coat, gray hooded sweatshirt and jeans. Second male was around 5’06 150 lbs., thin build, with long black dreadlocks, and a clean-shaven face. Last seen wearing a black Northface style jacket, black hair and dark jeans.
Armed Robbery
On Dec. 9 at 10:45 p.m., police responded to the Friendly Mart at 1420 Old Bridge Road in Woodbridge for a robbery. Clerks reported to police an unknown man entered the business and implied he had a weapon. The man walked around the counter and took an undisclosed amount of U.S. currency from the register before fleeing the area of foot. No injuries were reported. Lookout: Black male, unknown age, 6’ 170 lbs., thin build. Last seen wearing a dark-colored hooded sweatshirt, blue jeans, gloves and a mask.
Strong Armed Robbery
On Dec. 10 at 5:49 p.m., police responded to the 14000 block of Jefferson Davis Highway in Woodbridge for a robbery. The male victim, 44 of Woodbridge, reported to police he was walking in the area above when he was approached by a group of unknown men. The men assaulted the victim and took a cell phone from the victim’s pocket before fleeing on foot. The victim sustained minor injuries. The victim was unable to describe the assailants other than noting they were black males in their early 20s.
Attempted Strong Armed Robbery
On Dec. 9 at 2:29 p.m., police responded to the 16600 block of Geddy Ct. in Woodbridge for an attempted robbery. The female victim, 41 of Woodbridge, reported to police that she had just pulled up to her residence in the above area when she was approached by two unknown male juveniles. One of the males struck the victim with an unknown, possibly metal, object and attempted to grab her purse. Both males fled on foot. The victim was able to hold onto her purse. No property was taken. Minor injuries were reported. Lookout: Two black males, both reported to be between 14 and 16, between 5’10”-6’00” 110 lbs., thin build, both with short black hair and brown eyes. First male was last seen wearing a white jacket with a hood, blue jeans and a black du-rag. Second male was last seen wearing a black jacket with a hood, blue jeans and a black du-rag.
On Dec. 10 at 11:28 p.m., police responded to the 13700 block of Mapledale Ave. in Woodbridge for a burglary. Homeowner reported to police the burglary occurred between 8:15 and 11 p.m. Entry appeared to have been made through a rear window that had been broken out. An iPad and gaming console, valued around $2,000, were reported missing.
On Dec. 10 at 9:46 a.m., police responded to the 3200 block of Riverview Dr. in Triangle for a burglary. Homeowner reported to police the burglary occurred between 11 p.m. Dec. 9 and 9 a.m. Dec. 10. There were no signs of forced entry into the residence. An undisclosed amount of U.S. currency was reported missing.
Burglary to a Business
On Dec. 9 at 10:18 a.m., police responded to the Panda Palace Restaurant at 2241 Tacketts Mill Road in Woodbridge for a burglary. Employees reported to police the burglary occurred between 11:30 p.m. Dec. 8 and 7 a.m. Dec. 9. Entry appeared to have been made through a side window that had been broken out. An undisclosed amount of U.S. currency was reported missing.
Attempted Burglary
On Dec. 10 at 6:54 p.m., police responded to the 13800 block of Mapledale Ave. in Woodbridge for an alarm. Police arrived on scene and observed a rear sliding glass door that had been broken out. No entry is believed to have been made and no items were reported missing. A neighbor witnessed two unknown men in the area prior to police arrival. Lookout: Two males, unknown age, between 14 & 22, between 5’09” and 6’00” 150 lbs., thin build. Both were last seen wearing a dark colored hooded sweatshirt and blue jeans.
—from the Prince William County Police Department report.
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