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PWC Police Beat 12/7/11

Malicious Wounding (Previously Released)

On Dec. 5 at 7:38 p.m., police responded to the 13300 block of Gandall Ct. in Manassas for an assault. The female victim, 18 of Manassas, reported to police that she and the accused, a known acquaintance, were involved in a verbal altercation that escalated. During the encounter, the accused allegedly struck the victim in the face and knocked her to the ground. The accused fled prior to police arrival. The victim was transported to an area hospital for non-life threatening injuries.
On Dec. 6, the accused turned himself into police without incident. Arrested: Louis Michael Muscar Ella, 20, of 1412 Brigadier Dr. in Fredericksburg.Charged with malicious wounding. Court date set for Jan. 19, 2012, held on a $2,000 secured bond.

Burglary to a Business
On Dec. 6 at 11:12 p.m., police responded to the ARC Vocational School at 19143 Fuller Heights Road in Triangle for an alarm. Police arrived at the location and located the accused sitting in his vehicle in the parking lot. The investigation revealed that the accused entered the building through an unsecured rear door to charge a drill. There were no signs of forced entry into the building and no items were reported missing. Arrested: Amidu Yillah, 31, of 19050 Fuller Heights Road in Triangle. Charged with burglary. Court date set for Feb. 29, 2012, held on a $5,000 secured bond.


On Dec. 6 at 3:29 a.m., police responded to the 2800 block of Adams St. in Woodbridge for a burglary in progress. Homeowner reported to police that she was asleep in the couch when she heard a scratching noise at the window. Upon investigating the noise, she saw an unknown male sticking his head through the window. The homeowner yelled towards the man who fled the area. No items were reported missing. Lookout: White male, between 16 & 18 years of age, thin build.

On Dec. 5 at 5:50 p.m., police responded to the 8100 block of Peakwood Ct. in Manassas for a burglary. Homeowner reported to police that the burglary occurred between 7 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Entry appeared to have been made through an unlocked window. Two TVs and jewelry, valued around $1,800, were reported missing.

On Dec. 5 at 12:45PM, police responded to the 11000 block of Kettle Run Road in Nokesville for a burglary to a residence under construction. Property owner reported to police that the burglary occurred between noon Nov. 28 and 4 p.m. Dec. 4. Entry appeared to have been made through a side window that had been broken out. Copper piping was removed from a heating oil tank causing gallons of oil to spill out into the basement. A computer, monitor, other electronics and tools valued around $10,000 were reported missing.

On Dec. 5 at 5:07 a.m.,  police responded to the 3900 block of Oakdale Circle in Triangle for a burglary in progress. Homeowner reported to police that she observed two unknown men take a TV from an attached shed. The homeowner gave chase. During the chase, the men dropped the TV and continued fleeing. No entry was gained into the main residence. The homeowner was unable to provide police with a description of the suspects.

Attempted BurglaryOn Dec. 6 at 8:16 a.m., police responded to the 14900 block of Cummings Ct. in Woodbridge for an attempted burglary. Homeowner reported to police that between 6:30 a.m. Nov. 29 and an unknown time on Dec. 3, an unknown person(s) attempted to enter the residence through a side window. The screen on the window appeared to have been pried off and window slightly opened. No entry is believed to have been made and no items were reported missing.

—from the Prince William County Police Department report.

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