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Potential violence at high school sent on borrowed phone not a credible threat


School Threat Investigation – On January 13 at 11:00PM, officers received information of a potential threat of violence against a Prince William County Public School, Patriot High School located at 10504 Kettle Run Rd in Nokesville (20181).

The investigation revealed that the accused, a 17 year old male juvenile student, posted a picture on the social media app “Snapchat” using an acquaintance’s phone suggesting potential violence at the school.

During the investigation, officers quickly identified the accused as the sender of the message and determined that the threat was not credible.
Following the investigation, officers obtained petitions for the arrest of the accused who was located and arrested without incident Friday afternoon.

Arrested on January 15: [Juvenile]
A 17 year old male juvenile of Bristow
Charged with threats of serious bodily injury on school property, harassment by computer, and disorderly conduct
Court Date: Pending | Status: Held at the Juvenile Detention Center

Residential Burglary– On January 14 at 11:55AM, officers responded to a residence located in the 2800 block of Madeira Ct in Woodbridge (22192) to investigate a burglary in progress. The victim, a 44 year old woman of Woodbridge, reported to police that she was in an upstairs bedroom when an unknown man entered her residence. The suspect took some property then fled the area on foot. A police K-9 was used to search for the suspect who was located and detained by other officers near the residence. No injuries were reported. Following the investigation, the accused was arrested.
Arrested on January 14:
Brandon Wayne BLANCHARD, 44, of 11819 Antietam Rd in Woodbridge
Charged with burglary and grand larceny
Court Date: Pending | Bond: Held on a $3,500 secured bond

Assault & Battery on Emergency Medical Services [EMS] Personnel – On January 11 at 6:02PM, officers responded to the 2700 block of Potomac Mills Circle in Woodbridge (22193) for an intoxicated person. When officers arrived, the accused was found lying on the ground unconscious. Officers immediately contacted EMS personnel who responded to transport the accused to a local hospital.  While EMS personnel were transporting the accused in an ambulance, he became agitated and struck an EMS technician in the face. The accused was quickly detained without further incident by a Prince William County police officer who was following the ambulance. Minor injuries were reported.  Following the investigation, the accused was arrested.
Arrested on January 13: [No Photo Available]
De’Quan Fitzgerald NASH, 23, of 14170 Cuddy Lp in Woodbridge
Charged with assault & battery on an EMS personnel
Court Date: March 15, 2016 | Bond: Unavailable

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