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IRS scams continue - Manassas City Police issue FTC Crime Prevention Tip

Attempted Fraud
On Dec. 6, 2015, Manassas City Police met with a resident on the 8200 block of Liberia Ave for a report of an attempted fraud. The reporting party told officers that the day prior, she had received several calls from a person alleging to represent the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). According to the resident, the caller was attempting to collect debt he claimed she owed. The resident recognized the call as a scam and hung up the phone.

*Crime Prevention Tip from the Federal Trade Commission (FTC):
Don’t believe callers, emails or texts that say they’re from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).  Tax identity thieves may send phony “phishing” emails that appear to be from the IRS and ask you to click on a link and provide your personal information online or over the phone.  Don’t do it.  The IRS doesn’t email, call, or text people to get personal information.  If the IRS needs to contact you, they will do so by mail.  If you have any doubt whether a message is legitimate, call the IRS directly. 

Larceny from Vehicle
On Dec. 2, 2015, Manassas City Police met with a resident on the 8400 block of Georgian Ct for a report of a larceny from vehicle. The reporting party told officers that sometime between 9:30 p.m. on Dec. 1 and 10:30 a.m. Dec. 2, someone entered the victim’s unlocked vehicle and stole a laptop computer valued at $300 and a purse containing several bank and personal identification cards.

Vandalisms to Auto
On Dec. 2, 2015, Manassas City Police met with two residents for two separate reports of vandalisms to auto. Both vehicles were parked in front of their respective owners’ residences at the time each incident occurred.

1)    A reporting party on the 8300 block of Shady Grove Cir told officers that at approximately 9 p.m. on Dec. 1, someone punctured two tires and left scratches on the hood on his vehicle. Damages were estimated at $1,000.

2)    A reporting party on the 8900 block of Wood Drift Cir told officers that sometime between 10:30 p.m. on Dec. 1 and 8:30 a.m. on Dec. 2, someone punctured two tires on his vehicle. Damages were estimated at $130.

Vandalism to Auto
On Dec. 5, 2015, Manassas City Police met with a resident on the 9100 block of Wharton Ct for a report of a vandalism to auto. The reporting party told officers that sometime between 9 p.m. and 10 p.m., someone had smashed his vehicle’s windshield with a pumpkin. Damages were estimated at $350.


Anyone with information about these events is encouraged to call the Manassas City Police Department Investigative Services Division at (703) 257-8092 or Crime Solvers.  The Manassas City/Manassas Park Crime Solvers will pay a cash reward up to $1000.00 for information that leads to an arrest in these cases.  The confidential 24-hour tip line is (703) 330-0330.

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