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Nov. 10 meeting on VRE coming to Gainesville-Haymarket

The first community meeting for the Virginia Railway Express Gainesville-Haymarket Extension (VRE GHX) Study will be on Tuesday, Nov. 10, from 6 to 8 p.m. at Gainesville Middle School, 8001 Limestone Dr., Gainesville, VA 20155.

Residents can learn about the study elements and meet the project team, share their knowledge of the study corridor and thoughts about a VRE Extension.
VRE is evaluating an 11-mile extension of its commuter rail service along the Manassas Line via the Norfolk Southern Railway B-Line, extending from Manassas through Gainesville to Haymarket near the US 15 and Interstate 66 intersection.

VRE initiated this new study to advance this important regional transportation initiative. The study will take about two years to complete, and is a critical step toward bringing commuter rail service to the Gainesville-Haymarket area.

If the analysis supports continued project development, final design and construction would follow. Passenger rail operations could begin in eight to ten years, according to a VRE news release.

The VRE GHX study is being conducted in cooperation with the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation, Northern Virginia Transportation Commission, Potomac and Rappahannock Transportation Commission, the Northern Virginia Transportation Authority, Prince William County, Norfolk Southern Railway, etc.

The study will investigate possible station locations and service plans, identify track improvements to support VRE service, and conclude with the identification of a Locally Preferred Alternative. The study also includes preliminary engineering design for the Extension and an assessment of the environmental effects of station and track construction. Go to for more information.

The VRE GHX Policy Advisory Committee will meet Nov. 6 from 9:30 to 11 the Virginia Department of Transportation Northern Virginia District Office Accotink Room (1N-207), 4975 Alliance Dr., Fairfax, VA 22030. The meeting is open to the public.

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