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Does your Prince William County middle schooler have special talents or interests?

Students and their parents are invited to investigate the variety of programs available to students as high school options Oct. 26-27.

Two upcoming general information sessions will introduce Prince William County Schools’ Specialty and Career & Technical Education programs and offer an overview of the application process.

Representatives from specialty programs, career and technical education, and JROTC programs will be present to answer your questions.

The meetings are scheduled on Oct. 26 and 27 from 7–9 p.m. Information presentations will be offered in both English and Spanish.

Monday, October 26 from 7–9 p.m. at Gar-Field High School
This session will feature programs from the eastern end of Prince William County. Programs from Forest Park, Freedom, Gar-Field, Hylton, Potomac, and Woodbridge High Schools will be represented.

Tuesday, October 27 from 7–9 p.m. at Stonewall Jackson High School
Representatives from western Prince William County programs including Battlefield, Brentsville, Osbourn Park, Patriot, and Stonewall Jackson High Schools will be featured.

Both sessions will include representatives from The Governor’s School @ Innovation Park; Freedom High School’s Center for Environmental and Natural Sciences (CENS); Hylton High School’s Center for International Studies and Languages (CISL); Osbourn Park High School’s Biotechnology Center; and Woodbridge High School’s Center for the Fine and Performing Arts.

For further information or assistance, call Gifted Education and Special Programs at 703-791-7400.

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