Haymarket fashion designer Kelsy Dominick, a Battlefield High School graduate, will debut her latest collection from DiDomenico Designs during the prestigious Couture Fashion Week New York event.
“It has been a long time in the making, but to have my designs shown at NY Fashion Week is a dream realized, shewas quoted as saying in a press release.
The runway show will be held at 6 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 12, at the Crowne Plaza in Times Square. For more information, go to http://www.couturefashionweek.com.
Dominick will join other selected designers from around the world during Couture Fashion Week. This special week was founded in 2005 by Andres Aquino and presents a series of couture and luxury fashion shows in New York City and other selected cities.
African American and Italian born, Dominick was raised up in a household of craftsmen. Deeply rooted in creativity and appreciation for genuine craftsmanship, Dominick learned to sew when she was nine years old.
Her time in the Haymarket community for the last 13 years has deepened her love for the craft, she said. She credits her fashion teacher at Battlefield High School in Haymarket, Jennifer Smith, with helping to expand her skill in sewing and knowledge of the fashion industry.
“There was never any doubt in my mind Kelsy would be where she is today. She has always had a strong head on her shoulders with the confidence to achieve anything she set out to do,” her teacher Smith, was quoted as saying. “Her determination along with perseverance and a unique fashion sense will set her apart from other aspiring designers.”
DiDomenico Designs was founded in 2009 by Dominick as a custom brand that was carried only in boutiques in Blacksburg, VA.
As the curator of designs for the brand, Dominick mixes cultural inspirations into special occasion wear in a timeless approach. Her artistry is focused on the custom bespoke side of couture, catering to the exacting demands of her clients.
“I have been blessed to travel and see fashion through the eyes of many different cultures. I believe it is my responsibility to bring what I have seen back to my local community and continue to show the power of diverse fashions and models,” said Dominick.
Through her designs, Dominick is committed to exposing her community to different perspectives and possibilities. To study the sources of her fashion inspiration, she travels the globe with a rustic sewing machine in search of the perfect elements that represent the different cultures of the world. #SewingTheWorld
DiDomenico Designs embodies simple elegance—a wardrobe that transcends through time. Learn more at http://www.didomenicodesign.com.
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