Dominion Power will host an open house on Wednesday, July 15, from 5 to 8 p.m. at Battlefield High School in Haymarket to further discuss the Haymarket Transmission Project with residents in the community.
Letters were sent on June 24 to notify more than 5,000 residents of the open house. Local media organizations and public officials were also notified.
Dominion Power’s website has also been updated to include current information on the project. Letters and the website will include all of the routes under consideration, as well as the routes that they are recommending that the SCC not consider.
Chuck Penn, media relations manager with Dominion Power, again reminds the public that the Virginia State Corporation Commission (SCC) is the final arbiter and the final route will be decided by the SCC as Dominion Power “comes under the exclusive authority” of this regulator.
Penn reasserts that they “really appreciate the community’s input and patience” as they have “grappled with finding potential routes that are least impactful to property owners, the history of the area, and the environment.”
The open house will allow residents another opportunity to discuss the project with Dominion representatives and for Dominion to receive community input, which Penn says is valued and will be included in the “ongoing analysis of the routes under consideration.” He admitted that it is very difficult to find a routing solution that suits everyone.
Dominion Power is still studying routes and has not determined which will be proposed as its “preferred route.” Feedback from the open house will be “factored into” the “continuing routing analysis.” Though the utility has not set an SCC filing date, the goal is to file within the coming weeks, Penn said.
There are five routes currently under consideration including the I-66 “Hybrid” Overhead/Underground Route (light blue line on map), the I-66 Overhead Alternative (dark blue line on map), Railroad Alternative (red line on map), Carver Road Alternative (green line on map), and Madison Alternative (orange line on map).
Penn says that they “fully recognize the community’s preference for the hybrid, which most certainly will be one of five routes that will be in [the] SCC application.” He encourages residents to attend the open house to continue to participate in the dialogue.
The route alternatives that have been studied that Dominion will recommend the SCC not consider include the New Road Alternative (gray long dashes on map), Wheeler Alternative (gray short dashes on map), and Northern Alternative (gray dots on map). These routes were removed from consideration based on length of the line, impact, and proximity to historical assets.
Greg Mathe, manager of electric transmission communication, says that it is important for Dominion to present all routes to the SCC, and it requires an exhaustive study to evaluate constructability and to ensure the route is “operationally sound.”
Dominion Power is just beginning the process as it applies to the SCC for the Haymarket Transmission Line to provide power, as required under regulation, to customers. There will be hearings and the SCC also conducts its own routing analysis as part of the project and due diligence.
For more information and to view maps, see
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<a href="">Dominion Power sets July 15 open house on Haymarket project, wants to hear from residents</a>