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Manassas City Public Schools Education Foundation presents scholarships, awards

Manassas City Public Schools Education Foundation (MCPSEF) scholarship winners were announced, and MCPS staff and teachers were recognized for excellence in education May 28 in the Verizon Auditorium at George Mason University’s Science and Technology Campus in Manassas, according to a news release.

College scholarships were awarded to nine Osbourn High School graduating seniors:

Rachel Elizabeth Shriver received the Superintendent’s $2000 Scholarship sponsored by Mr. and Mrs. David Magouryk. Shriver plans to attend Penn State to become a secondary math educator. 

With her application was the required teacher recommendation which included, according to the news release, “Rachel is incredibly motivated.  She is also one of the kindest and talented students I have ever encountered.  I have never met someone as well-suited to being an educator. I cannot think of a more deserving applicant.”

Caroline Chika Ebuchulam, who will attend George Mason University, received the $2000 Delegate Harry J. Parrish Community Service Scholarship, sponsored by the Parrish Family. 

Ebuchulam credited her parental influence for her start in community service. She wrote that her own efforts “really opened my eyes to what I can offer the world,” the news release quoted hr as saying.

Ruth Merari Reyes, earned the $2000 Career and Technical Education (CTE) Scholarship sponsored by Micron and NOVA SySTEMic Solutions.

In her essay “Why a Nurse?,” Reyes answered the question with personal experience, a desire to help people, and a determination to earn and achieve her goals.

Four students each received a $2000 STEM Scholarship, all sponsored by Micron and Lockheed Martin, for those who plan to pursue a career in a science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) field. 

The recipients were Trevor Lee Hittinger, who will attend Cornell University; Ryan Douglas Brode and Suyash Bhattarari, both of whom will attend Virginia Tech; and Aradhana Adhikari, who will attend Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Aereen Louise Lupaz received the $2000 Fine Arts Scholarship, sponsored by Northern Virginia Community College and ECS.

Lupaz says that her appreciation of art “grew to a love and understanding of its immense presence in everyday life.  With this understanding I hope to share its power to the community through design,” according to a news release.

Lisbeth Guadalupe Valladares-Hernandez was the first recipient of a new $2000 scholarship, Pathway to Baccalaureate sponsored by Micron and Gary & Jenni Barlet. The recently created scholarship is designated for an OHS senior who will be participating in the Pathway to Baccalaureate Program at Northern Virginia Community College.

A community member recommended Valladares-Hernandez for the scholarship due to her “amazing determination and passion for her goals even through tough times.” Despite adversity, “she is able to show great effort and positive attitude,” according to a news release.

The news release said scholarship award winners were selected by the Education Foundation Board of Directors, using a blind/anonymous procedure that does not reveal the name or identifying factors of the applicants. Applicants are selected through a point system regarding their academic achievement, community involvement, service, letters of recommendation, and an essay that illuminated personal qualities.


Haydon Elementary School Teacher Diana Hahn received the Washington Post’s Agnes Meyer Outstanding Teacher Award and was selected for the Mary V. Bicouvaris Virginia Teacher of the Year Program.

“Teacher of the Year” awards, sponsored by Micron, went to Erin Kmiecinski, who teaches at Osbourn High School and Pamela Cove, who teaches at Round Elementary.

Outstanding Beginning and Mentor Teachers awards, sponsored by Apple Federal Credit Union Education Foundation went to:
• Sarah Yeager, Dean Elementary School - First Year
• Kimberly George, Haydon Elementary School - Second Year
• Jennifer Wenger, Mayfield Intermediate School - Third Year
• Christine Thai-Pappa, Dean Elementary School - Mentor

Leroy Williams of Metz Middle School received the Support Employee Excellence Award sponsored by Minnieland Academy Inc.

A reception followed the awards ceremony and music was provided by the Osbourn Chamber Quintet.

MCPS Education Foundation’s mission is to “seek community support to encourage innovation, enhance quality education, and promote success for all Manassas City Public Schools’ students and teachers.  MCPSEF is a private 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. For more information go to

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