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June 3 will be the last day of school in Fauquier County

Wednesday, June 3 will be the final day of school for Fauquier County Public Schools unless FCPS misses any more time due to inclement weather (for example, spring flooding), according to a news release from Karen Parkinson, coordinator of information for the school division.

Senior exams will be given on Tuesday and Wednesday, May 26 and 27.

Regular exams will be administered on Tuesday and Wednesday, June 2 and 3. The final day of school will be on an early-dismissal (half-day) schedule.

Graduation dates will remain as announced in February:  Kettle Run High School on Friday, May 29, at 6 p.m. at Cougar Stadium, Fauquier High School on Saturday, May 30, at 8 a.m. at Falcon Field and Liberty High School on Sunday, May 31, at 3 p.m. in the Jiffy Lube Live amphitheatre.

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