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Fauquier school board revises calendar; full day Friday, March 13

This Friday, March 13, will be a full day of instruction in Fauquier County Public Schools, instead of the half day originally noted on the school-year calendar.

On March 9 the Fauquier County School Board made the minor revision to this year’s calendar, capturing a few additional hours of instruction in the wake of a snow-laden winter. The Board approved changing the half day at the end of the third marking period to a full day of instruction.

In reality, the end of the third nine-week grading period will be pushed back a week – from March 13 to March 20 – due to the number of days missed since school resumed following winter break. Monday night’s revision means there will be no more half days until June.

The Board also approved two contingencies if the school division determines it will fall short of the number of instructional hours required by the Code of Virginia. The Board approved – if needed – adding 10 to 15 minutes to the elementary school day and/or adding the additional day of Friday, June 5 as a school day.

If either contingency becomes necessary, parents will be notified.

Graduation dates will not change, and spring break (March 30-April 3) remains in tact.

To recap the remainder of the school year:
·      Friday, March 13 (original end of grading period) is a full day, not a half day.
·      Friday, March 20 (new end of grading period) is a full day, not a half day.
·      Tuesday, March 24 is a full day, not a parent/teacher conference day.
·      Spring Break is Monday, March 30 through Friday, April 3. Thursday and Friday, April 2 and 3 are holidays for 12-month employees.
·      Monday, May 25 (Memorial Day) is a holiday for students and all staff.
·      Tuesday, May 26 and Wednesday, May 27 are senior exams.
·      Kettle Run High School graduation is Friday, May 29, at 6 p.m. at Cougar Stadium at KRHS.
·      Fauquier High School graduation is Saturday, May 30, at 8 a.m. at Falcon Field at FHS.
·      Liberty High School graduation is Sunday, May 31, at 3 p.m. in the Jiffy Lube Live amphitheatre.
·      School is in session (except, of course, for seniors) Monday, June 1 through Thursday, June 4. These makeup days were listed on the calendar.
·      If needed, Friday, June 5 may become a school day.
·      The final day of school – whether June 4 or June 5 – will be an early dismissal (half) day.

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