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Manassas VFW to participate in 11 Veterans Day activities

Manassas VFW Post 7589 has announced 11 Veterans Day Activities for 2014, from Friday. Nov. 7 to Tuesday, Nov. 11:

Friday, 11/7, 9:00 am:  Veterans Assembly at Manassas Christian School, 9296 W. Carondelet Dr., Manassas Park.

Friday, 11/7, 2:00 pm to 7:00 pm:  Buddy Poppy Distribution at Centreville Giant Store, 14125 St. Germain Dr., Centreville.

Saturday, 11/8, 11:00 am:  Manassas Veterans Parade.

Saturday, 11/8, 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm:  Buddy Poppy Distribution at Gainesville Giant Store, 7575 Linton Hall Road.

Sunday, 11/9, 9:00 am to 1:00 pm:  Buddy Poppy Distribution at Woodbine Food Lion,  Dumfries Rd at Hoadly Rd., Manassas.

Monday, 11/10, 9:00 am to Noon, Speak to students at Mayfield Intermediate School in Manassas.

Monday, 11/10, 1:00 pm, Speak to students at Haydon Elementary School on Park Ave. in Manassas.

Monday, 11/10, 2:00 pm, Tribute to Veterans, Round School, 10100 Hastings Drive, Manassas. 

Monday, 11/10, 2:30 pm, Speak to students at Weems Elementary School, 8750 Weems Rd., Manassas, 2 assemblies.

Tuesday, 11/11, 8:30 am, Veterans Day Ceremony at Manassas Veterans Memorial on Main St., Manassas.

Tuesday, 11/11, 9:00 am, Flag placement on veterans graves at Manassas Cemetery on Rt. 28 near the courthouse. 

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