Old Bridge United Methodist Church will hold a workshop open to the public on the 5 W’s of Human Trafficking on Saturday, June 7, from 2 to 4:30 p.m. The church is located at 3966 Old Bridge Rd., Woodbridge VA 22192.
Learn about Human Trafficking and what you can do! The presentation is best for children 13 and older, a news release stated.
Five questions will be discussed by a panel: WHO is affected? WHAT is Human Trafficking? WHERE is the problem found? WHEN should I get involved? WHY do we allow Human Trafficking to continue?
Panel members include Richard Buchholz / G.R.I.T. PWC Gang Response Intervention Team Coordinator; Michele Leith / Director, ACTS /SAVAS PWC Sexual Abuse Victim Assistance Service;
Crystal Robinson / Shared Hope International; and Dede Wallace / Victim Assistance Specialist / Homeland Security D.C.
SIGN LANGUAGE Interpretation will be provided for this event. sponsored by Old Bridge United Methodist Women.
For more info, contact Sally Adams, 703-590-0443.
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<a href="http://www.bullrunnow.com/community/article/community_forum_on_human_trafficking_june_7">Community forum on human trafficking June 7</a>