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Fauquier’s Ritchie Elementary honored by state as high-achieving school

In an announcement from Governor Terry McAuliffe and the State Board of Education, Ritchie Elementary School in Fauquier County received accolades for distinguished achievement.

Ritchie is one of 136 schools in the Commonwealth of Virginia to earn the Board of Education Distinguished Achievement Award in the 2014 Virginia Index of Performance (VIP) awards for advanced learning and achievement.

The VIP incentive program recognizes schools and divisions that exceed minimum state and federal accountability standards and achieve excellence goals established by the governor and the board.

The 212 schools and four school divisions earning 2014 VIP awards — which are based on student achievement and other performance indicators during 2012-2013 — include:

Five schools — Carson Middle, Longfellow Middle and Rocky Run Middle in Fairfax County; Short Pump Middle in Henrico County; and Kemps Landing Magnet in Virginia Beach — that earned the Governor’s Award for Educational Excellence, the highest VIP award;

One school division – Falls Church Public Schools – and 71 schools that earned the Board of Education Excellence Award, the second-tier honor; and

Three school divisions – Poquoson, Lexington and West Point – and 136 schools that earned the Board of Education Distinguished Achievement Award, the third tier award.

To earn the Governor’s Award for Educational Excellence, schools and school divisions must meet all state and federal achievement benchmarks and achieve all applicable excellence goals for elementary reading, enrollment in Algebra I by the eighth grade, enrollment in college-level courses, high school graduation, attainment of advanced diplomas, increased attainment of career and industry certifications, and, if applicable, participation in the Virginia Preschool Initiative.

Schools and school divisions earn bonus points for other performance measures, including the Governor’s Nutrition and Physical Activity Scorecard.

To earn the Governor’s Award for Educational Excellence, schools and school divisions must meet all state and federal accountability benchmarks and make significant progress toward goals for increased student achievement and expanded educational opportunities set by the board.

To earn the Distinguished Achievement Award, schools and school divisions must meet all state and federal benchmarks and make progress toward the goals of the governor and the board.

More information about the VIP incentive program for schools and school divisions is available on the VDOE website.

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