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March 20 meeting to discuss new uses for “old” Nokesville Elementary School

There will be a “town hall” meeting in Nokesville on Thursday, March 20 at 7:30 p.m. concerning the possible fate of the historic Nokesville Elementary School (NES) building after the new K-8 opens in September.

Sponsored by Friends Uniting Nokesville, discussions will focus on how some county and state agencies could use the building and save money, allow the expansion of the Nokesville Neighborhood Library and rent out additional office space.

Sports leagues and community organizations could also make use of the facilities.

Brentsville District Supervisor Wally Covington (or a representative) and Brentsville District School Board Representative Gil Trenum will be in attendance.

The meeting will be held in the NES auditorium, 12625 Fitzwateer Drive in Nokesville. Contact Patti McKay at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) if more information is needed.

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