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Certified Tourism Ambassador class on March 12 in Manassas

People who want to earn a nationally recognized designation in tourism ambassadorship should register now to take the class being offered in Manassas on Wednesday, March 12.  The class will be held from 1 to 5 p.m. at the Manassas Museum, located at 9101 Prince William Street in Old Town Manassas.

The Certified Tourism Ambassador (CTA) designation is for anyone who interacts with visitors on a daily basis, including attractions, hotels, restaurants, shops, and more. 

The CTA program will be offered in Manassas this week by the Journey Through Hallowed Ground Partnership (JTHG Partnership), a nonprofit organization that raises awareness of natural, cultural and historic resources within a four-state, 15-county region.  The organization oversees the Journey Through Hallowed Ground National Heritage Area, a 180-mile long, 75-mile wide area stretching from Gettysburg, Pa., to Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello in Charlottesville, Va.

Since tourism is one of the largest industries within the JTHG National Heritage Area, the Partnership developed the Certified Tourism Ambassador (CTA) Program to train those who interact with visitors to our National Parks, Civil War battlefields, charming Main Street communities, and historic sites, according to a news release.

Graduates of the program are well versed in the professional standards of customer service as well as the many unique features of the JTHG National Heritage Area, the news release said.

These experienced and engaging Certified Tourism Ambassadors provide quality service and top-flight hospitality to visitors, leading them to stay longer, visit more sites, tell their friends about their experiences and return to the region, the news release said.

Across the United States, there are approximately 10,000 people who have earned the designation.  Journey Through Hallowed Ground Partnership has trained more than 1,100 CTAs in the region. Required registration is at  For .more information, visit the Journey Through Hallowed Ground Partnership’s website at or call 540-882-4929.

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