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Relive the magic of Manassas Christmas Parade and see the parade winners

Heavy winter clothing and blankets were the order of the day as some 50,000 spectators lined the cold streets of Manassas for the 68th annual Great Manassas Christmas Parade on Dec. 7

The magic of the parade can be relived by viewing it online after Dec. 18 at The p.arade theme was “Miracle on Center Street.”

The winners were:
* Commercial Float and Sponsor: First, Center for the Arts-Pied Piper Theater-Bull Run Kiwanis Club; second, Mayfield Intermediate SGA-Burke & Herbert Bank; third, Metz Middle School-Railroad Dental Associates.

* Business Float: First, Northside Auto Sales; second, Fries Garage/Johnson’s Towing; third, Jessica’s Music Studio.

* Clubs/Organization Float: First, Rotary Club of Manassas; second, Prince William County 4-H; third, Parrotheads of the Old Dominion.

* Church Float: First, Eastern Memorial Woodbine Church; second, Bethel Lutheran Church; third, Tabernacle Baptist Church

* Youth Float: First, M.A.R.C.H. Homeschoolers; second, Manassas Christian School.

* Cheerleading Group: First, Manassas Park High School Cheerleaders.

* Majorette Group: First, Seton School.

* Step Team: First: Manassas Youth Football League Step Team.

* Theater Group: First: Woodbridge High School Theatre

* Vehicle Group: First, Southern Cruisers Riding Club; second Bull Run Street Rods, Inc., Third, Bull Run Antique Auto Club.

* Marching Group: First, Girl Scouts Nations Capitol; second, Osbourn Park Navy JROTC, third, Stonewall Jackson HS Air Force ROTC.

* Bands: First, Patriot High School Marching Pioneers; second, Manassas Park High School Marching Cougars; third, Osbourn Park High School Marching Band.

* Dance: First, Showcase Dance Studios; second, Blair Dance Studio; third, Stonewall Jackson High School Raiderettes Dance Team.

* Animals: First, Lucky Dog Grooming; second, Nokesville Horse Society; third, Manassas Therapy Dogs, Inc.

More than 100 units participated in the parade, topped off by the appearance of Santa Claus waving to the crowd from atop his float.

The parade also featured marching bands and majorette groups, dogs and horses, fire and rescue units, dignitaries, antique cars, color guards, and balloons.

The grand marshal was Rob Heltzel, an unsung hero in the community, and the Woman of the Year was Jean Harrover, an energetic and dedicated life-long Manassas resident.

Harrover, who remembers participating in the parade as a baton twirler while attending both Brentsville District and Osbourn High Schools said she doesn’t ever recall it “being this cold on parade day.”

Prior to the start of the parade a tribute was paid to Richard J. “Ricky” Ratcliffe who died on Nov. 8. He was on the committee that was first formed when the local chamber of commerce decided not to continue to organize the parade in the early 1980s.

Soon after that, Ricky took over the role of chairman and served until 1999. He continued to volunteer on the day of the parade and helped to make the parade one of the most popular holiday events in the state.

Participating bands providing striking Christmas music along the parade route were Osbourn, Osbourn Park, Stonewall Jackson, Patriot High Schools and the Washington Redskins Band

Due to weather conditions, the tree lighting ceremony set for Friday evening before the parade was curtailed with Santa Claus moving inside the depot to talk with the little boys and girls.

Parade judges were Judges Rossie D. Alston Jr., Lisa Baird, William A. Becker, Lon E. Farris, Tracy C. Hudson, William E. Jarvis, Craig D. Johnston, Richard B. Potter and Peter w. Steketee.

Parade committee members are Annie Blewett, Sara Clark, Ken Elston, Molly Elston, Bruce Gross, Debbie Haight, Chris Harrover, William Hutchinson, Pam Larkins, Taylor Lenz, John Martin, Joe Martin, Julie Messplay, George Neal, Joe Nelson, Claudia Nystrom, Mark Olsen, Robin Perkins, Brenda Ravella, Anna Marie Robinson, Greg Stanley, Mike Tracy and Linda Womack.

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