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Community welcome at Battlefield High School for big robotics competition Dec. 14

Hundreds of middle and high school students from throughout the region will gather Saturday, December 14th in Haymarket to test their teamwork and engineering skills in a high-tech and high-energy ROBOTICS CONTEST.

The FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) Northern Virginia Qualifying Tournament is free and open to the public.  More than 40 teams will compete and top performers will earn spots at the FTC State Championship in Richmond on March 1st.

Teams designed, built and programmed their robots this fall.  On Saturday, they’ll meet in a contest called “FTC BLOCK PARTY” which challenges their remote controlled robots to gather plastic blocks and load them into baskets in a timed contest.

FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) is an international organization with the ambitious mission of transforming modern culture by celebrating science and technology and encouraging more students to be interested in pursuing Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education.

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