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Private firms pose creative solutions to I-66 congestion between Capital Beltway and Haymarket

Nineteen private-sector firms have offered recommendations for solutions to improve Interstate 66 in response to the Request for Information (RFI) issued by the commonwealth in late June, according to a news release from Gov. Robert McDonnell.

The RFI asked for “innovative and creative solutions” to ease the congested I-66 corridor from Capital Beltway to Route 15 in Haymarket.

“The RFI is part of the Commonwealth’s plan to transform I-66 from a highly congested corridor to a multi-modal transportation facility that moves traffic and people more efficiently,” said McDonnell.

The RFI was released by the Office of Transportation Public-Private Partnership, the Virginia (OTP3) Department of Transportation (VDOT) and the Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT).

The RFI sought private sector input on a range of best practices and innovative approaches to develop and finance transportation improvements on a 25-mile section of I-66 from U.S. Route 15 in Prince William County to I-495 in Fairfax County. Improvements under consideration could add additional capacity to the road, provide multi-modal options and possibly finance the project through tolled express lanes, similar to the 495 Express Lanes.

Responses to the RFI follow a recent project milestone by the Federal Highway Administration, in which it issued a Record of Decision on the Tier 1 Environmental Impact Statement study of I-66, clearing the way for the Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB) to select one or more of the final 10 concepts for detailed analysis. 

These concepts would increase capacity within the corridor, as well as options to increase travel mode choices, improve individual interchanges, address spot safety needs, and enhance travel efficiency.

Early next year, the CTB will consider the RFI responses when advancing the I-66 study to next phase in the environmental review process.

“Collaborative efforts between VDOT’s Environmental Division and the OTP3 to gather and concurrently process information such as traffic projections, geotechnical data, as well as identify other key risk factors will ensure recommendations are provided to decision makers in an expedited timeframe,” said VDOT Commissioner Greg Whirley.

Private sector firms that provided responses to the RFI are available on line:
1.    1 Abertis USA Corp
2.    Acciona Concessions Canada Inc.
3.    ACS Infrastructure Development and Dragados USA
4.    AECOM
5.    Bechtel Infrastructure Corporation
6.    Cintra and Ferrovial Agroman
7.    Edgemoor Infrastructure & Real Estate, Shirley Contracting Company, Clark Construction Group, and Dewberry Consultants
8.    Fluor Enterprises, Inc.
9.    HOCHTIEF and Flatiron
10.  Kiewit Infrastructure South Co. and Kiewit Development Company
11.  Lane Construction Corporation
12.  Macquarie Capital (USA) Inc.
13.  Meridiam Infrastructure North America Corporation
14.  OHL Infrastructure, Inc.
15.  Shikun & Binui Ltd. (a member of the Arison Group)
16.  Skanska AB
17.  SNC-Lavalin Inc.
18.  Transurban
19.  Vinci Concessions USA

For more information: 
I-66 RFI responses

I-66 Tier 1 Environmental Impact Study

I-66 Project Page

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