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Volunteers wanted for boundary committee for Nokesville K-8 school

The Office of Facilities Services for Prince William County Public Schools seeks local community members and/or parents or legal guardians of a student who attends Nokesville, Bennett, or Loch Lomond Elementary School or Stonewall, Parkside, or Marsteller Middle School to join the “Nokesville K-8” School Boundary Planning Committee.

The objective of the Boundary Committee is to present a plan that outlines the proposed boundary changes to the School Board for their consideration.

Committee membership is limited to 15 individuals. Selection preference will be given to local community members and parents who are directly impacted by the opening of the new K-8 school, as well as to local leaders, such as PTO/PTA officers and Advisory Council members.

The Office of Facilities Services will work closely with the Committee to develop boundary change proposals. The duties of Committee members will include evaluating student enrollment, demographic, bus transportation, and real estate data, in order to prepare well-informed school boundary recommendations for School Board consideration. Committee meetings will occur once a week from early November through mid-December, from 7 to 9 p.m.

In addition to its regular meetings, the Boundary Committee will also hold two community meetings to enable the general public to review the Committee’s boundary proposals and to provide feedback on each plan’s strengths and weaknesses. The first one is scheduled for Monday, November 25, at 7 p.m. in the Brentsville High School auditorium. The second community meeting is scheduled for Monday, December 9, at 7 p.m. in the Marsteller Middle School cafeteria.

Persons interested in volunteering to serve on the Boundary Planning Committee may complete the form at the following URL: Those. without Web access may volunteer by calling 703.791.7312. Please include your name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, and community service experience (if any). The deadline to volunteer is
October 21, 2013.

Information regarding boundary change policies and regulations is available at the following URL: If yo.u have questions, please contact Dr. Matthew Cartlidge, Supervisor of Planning, at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) or by phone at 703.791.7312.

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