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Manassas city police beat for 9/4/13

Larceny, Embezzlement - Arrest
On Tuesday, August 27, Manassas City Police responded to ‘Staples’ at 9890 Liberia Avenue in reference to a grand larceny and embezzlement case. The store’s loss prevention manager had determined that an employee, John Perkins, had taken money and merchandise from the store during the past month.  John Wesley Perkins, 19, of 10295 Barrington Park Circle, was arrested and charged with Grand Larceny and Felony Embezzlement.  He was released from the ADC pending an October 8 court appearance.

Burglary of Garage, Larceny from Auto
Manassas City Police are investigating the theft of items from a car parked in a residential garage.  On the morning of Friday, August 30, a resident of the 8300 block of Tillet Loop reported that sometime overnight; someone opened her garage door and stole a wallet and cash from her car.

Attempted Residential Burglary
Manassas City Police are investigating an attempted burglary on the 9300 block of Amaryllis Avenue.  Residents reported that, for a third time since May, a rear window had been damaged sometime overnight; but the house had not been entered.

Cars Vandalized
Manassas City Police are investigating the vandalism of six cars parked on the cul-de-sac of Stonewall Road, next to Stonewall Park (8351 Stonewall Road).  The cars were discovered Monday morning, September 2.  Sometime during the previous night, the front passenger door windows of the cars were broken, possibly by a bb-gun.  Nothing appeared to have been taken from the cars.

Residential Burglary
Manassas City Police are investigating the burglary of a residence on the 8400 block of Georgian Court.  A resident reported that the burglary occurred sometime between 7:00AM and 6:30PM Tuesday, September 3.  Entry appeared to have been gained through a rear window with an air-conditioning unit mounted in the frame.  Two laptop computers, a video game system, a video camera, and assorted wrist watches were reported stolen.

Anyone with information about these events is encouraged to call the Manassas City Police Department Investigative Services Division at (703) 257-8092 or Crime Solvers.  The Manassas City Crime Solvers will pay a cash reward up to $1000.00 for information that leads to an arrest in these cases.  The confidential 24-hour tip line is (703) 330-0330.

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