Escape from Work Release – Wanted Subject
The Manassas City Police Department has a warrant on file for Kris Marlynn Odom, 36, of 8476 Stonewall Road, for Felonious Escape. Mr. Odom is currently an inmate with Prince William Adult Detention Center’s Work Release Program. Mr. Odom did not return from work release on Thursday, August 29. He was permitted to be away from the ADC facility between 7:00AM and 7:00PM. Mr. Odom had been committed to the ADC for a non-violent offense. He was arrested without incident at approximately 4"45 p.m. Aug. 30, 2013, Sgt. L. Nevill reported
Assault, Escape – Arrest
On Thursday, August 29, at 8:10AM, Manassas City Police were called to the Probation and Parole Office at 9309 Center Street to take Toby Terry into custody for a probation violation. Police were then advised that Mr. Terry, upon learning that he was going to jail, assaulted a Probation Officer and fled the building. The probation officer was not injured. At approximately 1:00PM that day, Police located Mr. Terry near the Wellington Station Shopping Center (10080 Dumfries Road) and safely took him into custody. Toby Allen Terry, 43, of 8103 Spruce Street, was charged with Escape from Custody and Assault on Law Enforcement Officer, and held at the ADC on $5,000 bond (court dates TBD).
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