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Manassas city police beat for 8/28/13

Malicious Wounding – Arrest
At about 1:30AM Sunday morning, August 25, Manassas City Police Officers were patrolling the area of City Tavern (9405 Main Street) when they observed a fight in progress. A suspect broke a beer bottle over a victim’s head, causing lacerations to the back of the victim’s head.  The victim was treated by EMS. The suspect, James Robert Page, 28, of 9021-60A Centreville Road, was placed under arrest and charged with Malicious Wounding.  He was held at the ADC pending a September 24 court appearance.

On August 28, 2013, just after 1:00AM, an unknown suspect broke a window at the back of a residence on the 9300 block of Gooseberry Drive.  A resident reported hearing something hit the back of the house.  She then looked out and saw at least one suspect flee the area on a bicycle.  She described the suspect as a Hispanic or darker-skinned white male, wearing a white T-shirt, carrying a yellow drawstring backpack, and riding a black bike.  A short time later, at the intersection of Gooseberry Drive and Cloverhill Road, a parked motorcycle was knocked over.  Also, on the nearby 9900 block of Hampton Road, a rock was thrown through the back window of a parked car.

Larceny from Residence
Manassas City Police are investigating the theft of tools from the front porch of a residence on the 10200 block of Magnolia Grove Drive.  The theft occurred shortly before 9:45PM Monday, August 26.  The owner, who was doing plumbing repairs, briefly left the tool box on the porch.  He described the toolbox as black plastic, possibly ‘Husky’ brand, with a reflective stripe.

Larceny from Auto
Manassas City Police are investigating the theft of power tools from a work van on the 9200 block of Bayberry Avenue.  The owner stated that the items were taken from the locked van (parked in his driveway) sometime between 2:00PM Sunday, August 25, and 5:00AM Monday, August 26.  A lock on the side door of the van was broken.

Larceny from Auto
Manassas City Police are investigating the theft of two iPods from a car parked on the 9200 block of Timberwood Court.  The owner reported the theft on Saturday, August 24; but said the theft had occurred during the night of August 19.  The owner said the car was parked in his driveway and was left unlocked.  He said one iPod was in plain sight and the other was inside a center console compartment.

***Crime Prevention Tip***
Larcenies from vehicles are one of the easiest crimes to prevent if you follow some simple crime prevention tips.  These are available in our recent Public Service Announcement “Vehicle Break Ins.”  For a copy of this PSA, go to and open the MCPD PSA Archives.

Anyone with information about these events is encouraged to call the Manassas City Police Department Investigative Services Division at (703) 257-8092 or Crime Solvers.  The Manassas City Crime Solvers will pay a cash reward up to $1000.00 for information that leads to an arrest in these cases.  The confidential 24-hour tip line is (703) 330-0330

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