Threatening notes left at residences
The Manassas City Police Department is investigating a series of threatening notes left at the front doors of different homes in the Sumner Lake and Byrd Park areas on ten occasions since December 4. The incidents occurred between 7:30PM and 11:00PM in the Sumner Lake community and in a neighborhood near Byrd Park.
The unknown suspect either struck the front door with an object or rang the doorbell several times; then left a hand-written note and fled the area. The notes were all similar and contained the name and address of the same man and threatened violence. The man named on the notes lives in the Manassas area of Prince William County and has no connection to the residences where the notes were left.
In two of the incidents, witnesses observed a suspicious man run from the area. Witnesses described him as either an Hispanic or Middle Eastern male, 20-25 years old, approximately 5’10’’ tall, thin build, wearing a dark colored jacket and jeans. Police are asking anybody who has yet to report similar incidents, or who may have any helpful information, to please contact the Investigative Services Division at 703-257-8092, or the Crime Solvers’ anonymous tip line at 703-330-0330.
The Manassas City Crime Solvers will pay a cash reward up to $1000 for information that leads to an arrest in these cases. The confidential 24-hour tip line is (703) 330-0330.
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