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PWC Police charge Manassas Park man, 20, with homicide in Manassas

PWC Police make arrest in connection with Jan. 9. 2025 shooting.

Haymarket mayor Pam Stutz takes a pass on reelection campaign

Pam Stutz, mayor of the town of Haymarket, VA says it is time for someone else to come forward with new ideas


Mayor Pam Stutz

Sea Scouts organizing in Bristow, Gainesville

Interested in boating? Check out the coed Sea Scouts troop that is getting started in the Gainesville-Bristow VA area on Jan. 16.

PW Art Society to meet in Lake Ridge

Prince William Art Society will host Haymarket watercolorist Marni Lawson Feb. 15 for a program on Artist Residency
Bull Run photo
Watercolorist Marni Lawson giving a demonstration

City medic units carry oxygen masks for rescued pets

If needed, pet masks in three sizes are ready for use on two City of Manassas VA medic units.

PWC Police Beat 1/6/12

Prince William County VA Police Department's crime report for Jan. 6, 2012

US 29 one lane each way in Gainesville this weekend

Local Gainesville area drivers may want to stay off US 29 and Linton Hall Road this weekend. The traffic pattern is being changed to allow for new construction.


From 7 a.m. Saturday until noon Sunday, US 29 will be one lane in each direction between I-66 and Virginia Oaks Drive. The Gainesville traffic pattern will be moved to allow for construction of road improvements. The project is to take 3+ years.

Marsteller, Woodbridge Middle remain “Schools to Watch”

The Virginia Schools to Watch organization has recertified Marsteller Middle and Woodbridge Middle schools in Prince William County, VA as "schools to watch" for three more years.

PWC Police Beat 12/22/11

Prince William County Police Department’s crime report for Dec. 22, 2011.

PWC Police Beat 12/21/11

Prince William County Police Department’s crime report for Dec. 21, 2011.

PWC Police Beat 12/19/11

Prince William County Police Department’s crime report for Dec. 19, 2011.

PWC Police Beat 12/16/11

Prince William County Police Department’s crime report for Dec. 16, 2011.

HH Women’s group gives generously

Bull Run photo
Heritage Hunt Women's Organizations gives more than a dollar a day to help local groups. Shown here, in the front row, from left, are: Eleanor Casey-D’Andrea, Joanne Tuttle (committee chair), Margaret Gorzka, Gerri Risso; in the back row, from left, are: Teri Bisaga, Diane Wilson, Charlotte Klingman, Joan Mitchell and Mary Slevin. Photo by E. Bruce Davis
Today's Obituaries

John Skinner, retired Police Chief, City of Manassas, VA

Chief Skinner dedicated his life to Law Enforcement with more than 37 years of service across all levels, from the line officer to the Chief of Police.

Betty Thomas Anastasi, retired Chief Deputy Clerk of PWC Circuit Court

A memorial service was held on Aug. 11, 2024 for Betty Thomas Anastasi, 99, beloved wife, mother, grandmother and friend, who passed away on Thursday, August 8, 2024 at Commonwealth Senior Living of Manassas.

Edward Wyrsch, life-long sports fan, track star, youth sports organizer, veteran, IRS retiree

Edward James Wyrsch passed away on August 4, 2024 at his home in Haymarket, VA .
Business Directory

Greenwich Presbyterian Church

15305 Vint Hill Road, Nokesville, VA 20181

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