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PWC Police charge Manassas Park man, 20, with homicide in Manassas

PWC Police make arrest in connection with Jan. 9. 2025 shooting.

Easter egg hunt at Old Bridge Festival

The Easter Bunny will be hopping at Festival at Old Bridge in Lake Ridge VA (Dillingham Sq) on Saturday, March 31, for an Easter egg hunt as well as entertainment and photos with the Easter Bunny.

Last week Lake Ridge Library will be open until move

The Neighborhood library in Lake Ridge VA will close on Monday, March 19, in order to facilitate the move to Tackett's Mill at 2239 Old Bridge Road, several blocks away.

Interfaith panel to discuss compassion March 31

Local religious leaders will share their faith’s views on compassion and what actions can be taken to increase compassion in our daily lives at an interfaith panel discussion in Woodbridge VA on Saturday, March 31.

Arena Stage takes a shine to young Woodbridge playwrights

Emmoni Matthews of Woodbridge VA High School and Christian Ellis of Rippon Middle School have received honors in the 12th Annual Student Playwrights Project held by Arena Stage. Their entries from the Prince William County Schools stood out among the pool of more than 800 entries from middle and high school students in the Washington, D.C. area.

Patriot High School resumes classes after evacuation

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Front of Patriot High School in Nokesville (Observer file photo)
Fire officials in Nokesville VA have given the okay for Patriot High School to resume class and other activities after the school was evacuated earlier this morning for an unidentified "strong odor." The cause of the smell has since been identified, according to Irene Cromer, supervisor of community relations for Prince William County Schools.

Looking for an art scholarship in Prince William?

Letters of intent are due March 12 for the 2012 Jewell Pratt Burns Scholarships Program that gives two $1000 awards towards a higher education degree in Fine Arts or Art Education in Prince William County VA.

“Undercover Girl” to be honored as a Virginia Woman in History

Lake Ridge VA resident Elizabeth Peet McIntosh, 97, a former OSS and CIA intelligence agent, is among those to be honored as Virginia Women in History in 2012.

Gainesville supervisor’s office could move to Heritage Hunt

The office of Gainesville Supervisor Pete Candland could be at a new location soon. According to the Prince William Board of County Supervisors' agenda for Feb. 7, a new site for the district office has been located and a lease has been negotiated, subject to board approval.

Donations needed to start bark park

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Pixie is looking forward to opening of county's first off-leash dog park
A group of citizens is working with the Prince William County Park Authority to raise start-up funds for an off-leash dog park in Lake Ridge. VA

A miracle is coming to Woodbridge High School

Helen Keller could not hear, see or talk. Annie Sullivan figured out a way for Helen to communicate. It's a miracle, yes? It starts Feb. 2 on stage in Woodbridge VA

Manassas Art Guild bestows artist of the month honors on Selina Williams

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A Selina Farmer Williams painting from her "Stargazer" series
Selina Farmer Williams is showing her "images of child-like wonder to moody, sensual portraiture" at the Manassas Museum's Echoes shop and eight Old Town Manassas VA stores during February. Williams is the Manassas Art Guild's "Artist of the Month." Originally from New Mexico, Williams interned at the Smithsonian's National Museum of the American Indian and studied in France.

Gravely Elementary School celebrates Alma Gravely’s 90th birthday

The school named in honor of her late husband celebrated Alma Gravely’s 90th birthday recently. From left, seated in the row front, Mrs. Gravely’s son, David, and her daughter-in-law, Beverly Clark; Jarcelynn Hart, associate superintendent for the county’s western elementary schools; Don Richardson, then-county school board vice chairman. Back row, from left, Dr. Steven L. Walts, superintendent of Prince William County Schools; Michele Salzano, Gravely Elementary School principal; Cdr. Doug Kunzman, first commanding officer of the U.S.S. Gravely.
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Today's Obituaries

John Skinner, retired Police Chief, City of Manassas, VA

Chief Skinner dedicated his life to Law Enforcement with more than 37 years of service across all levels, from the line officer to the Chief of Police.

Betty Thomas Anastasi, retired Chief Deputy Clerk of PWC Circuit Court

A memorial service was held on Aug. 11, 2024 for Betty Thomas Anastasi, 99, beloved wife, mother, grandmother and friend, who passed away on Thursday, August 8, 2024 at Commonwealth Senior Living of Manassas.

Edward Wyrsch, life-long sports fan, track star, youth sports organizer, veteran, IRS retiree

Edward James Wyrsch passed away on August 4, 2024 at his home in Haymarket, VA .
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