By Kim Golanski, Novant Health 03/26/14 / Breaking News / Haymarket / Health & Safety /
Novant Health Haymarket Medical Center opened its doors this morning for care and services.
03/25/14 / Environment / Health & Safety / Manassas /
On March 24, 2014, the City of Manassas’ water main on Nokesville Road was damaged by a contractor. Repairs have been made, but water may appear discolored, according to Patty Prince, the city's public affair specialist.
03/24/14 / Nokesville / Police & Fire Beat /
Public’s help is being sought in providing information about a missing person’s case from 2010 involving Shane Ryan Donahue who was reported missing from his residence in the Nokesville area of Prince William County.
03/19/14 / Breaking News / Health & Safety / Manassas /
Safewise, the company that put the City of Manassas on the list of 30 Safest Cities in Virginia, says there’s a low chance of being a victim of a violent crime or a property crime when you call the City of Manassas home.
03/18/14 / Manassas / Police & Fire Beat /
Manassas VA City police department's crime report for Tuesday, March 18, 2014.
On Wednesday, March 26 at 10 a.m., the City of Manassas will put out a phone call to all City of Manassas residents to test the CodeRED emergency telephone notification system and to clean up phone numbers no longer in use.
03/18/14 / Nokesville / Transportation /
Due to the weather, a brief closing of the Aden Road Bridge in Prince William County has been rescheduled to Wednesday, March 19 and Thursday, March 20, from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Crews will perform geotechnical borings in the area.
03/17/14 / Breaking News / Local Government / Manassas /
The Public Hearing scheduled for tonight, Monday, March 17, at 7:30 p.m. will be postponed until the next regular Manassas City Council meeting on March 24 due to the snow emergency.
03/13/14 / Bristow / Health & Safety /
On Wednesday, March 12th at approximately 5:15 p.m., Prince William County fire and rescue units dispatched to a structure fire in a single family home located in the 12000 block of Lucasville Rd. in Bristow.
03/11/14 / History / Local Government / Nokesville /
March 20 discussions will focus on how some county and state agencies could use the existing Nokesville Elementary School, Nokesville Neighborhood Library could be expanded and office space could be offered for rent.
03/10/14 / Education / Environment / Gainesville /
Woodland owners interested in learning more about getting a certified stamp of approval for their forest management can attend an evening program April 15 in Gainesville hosted by the Virginia Department of Forestry (VDOF) and Virginia Cooperative Extension (VCE).
People who want to earn a nationally recognized designation in tourism ambassadorship should register now to take the class being offered in Manassas on March 12 at the Manassas Museum, in downtown Manassas.