06/14/14 / Police & Fire Beat / Woodbridge /
Prince William County VA Police Department's crime report for Friday, June 13, 2014.
06/13/14 / Breaking News / Local Government / Manassas /
Patrick J. Small has been hired as Economic Development Director for the City of Manassas, according to an announcement from City Manager William Patrick Pate. Small's first day on the job will be Aug. 11, 2014. He was Director of Economic Development for the City of Portsmouth, VA.
06/09/14 / Local Government / Manassas /
In an effort to beautify City of Manassas neighborhoods with uniform containers for waste and recycling, City of Manassas residents will receive brand new trash carts for their household trash needs.
06/09/14 / Manassas / Police & Fire Beat /
Manassas City Investigators concluded a cold case investigation that spanned 17 years with the arrest of a Florida man. The investigation, initiated in 1997, involved crimes against two juvenile victims from 1975 to 1977.
06/03/14 / Manassas / Police & Fire Beat /
Manassas City police make assault and battery arrest in case of road rage incident and take reports of stolen vehicle parts and a stolen truck.
06/03/14 / Health & Safety / Manassas /
Every two seconds someone in the United States needs blood. This summer, there are 100 chances to give hope with the Red Cross by giving blood. Call 1-800-RED CROSS to learn more and to make an appointment.
05/27/14 / History / Local Government / Manassas /
City of Manassas government has created an online public records database at http://www.manassascity.org/publicrecords Recor.ds will continue to be added to the database as they are digitized and indexed. City Council meeting minutes back to 1963 are currently being digitized and will be added within the coming months.
05/25/14 / Manassas / Military / People & Places /
Members of the VFW Post 7589 in Manassas will conduct a Memorial Day service at 8:30 a.m. May 26 followed by placing American flags on the graves of veterans at Manassas Cemetery.
05/25/14 / Police & Fire Beat / Woodbridge /
On May 23rd at 1:09PM, officers responded to the 1900 block of Darlington Lp in Woodbridge (22191) to investigate a stabbing. Officers arrived at the scene and located an adult man on the sidewalk suffering from a stab wound to the upper body. The victim was pronounced dead at the scene.
05/19/14 / Environment / Local Government / Manassas /
With new federal and state regulatory requirements, the cost of managing stormwater for the City of Manassas has dramatically increased. Public information meetings about the new stormwater requirements and the proposed fee will be held in May and June.
By HEIDI BAUMSTARK, Observer staff 05/15/14 / History / Manassas / People & Places /
Since 2000, Joe McGill Jr. has been traveling across the country sleeping in and interpreting original slave quarters to raise awareness of the enslaved population who lived in them. He will be coming to two slave quarters in Manassas VA May 15-17.
05/13/14 / Health & Safety / People & Places / Woodbridge /
Old Bridge United Methodist Church will hold a workshop open to the public on the 5 W’s of Human Trafficking on Saturday, June 7, from 2 to 4:30 p.m. and what you can do about the issue. The church is located at 3966 Old Bridge Rd., Woodbridge VA 22192.