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PWC Police charge Manassas Park man, 20, with homicide in Manassas

PWC Police make arrest in connection with Jan. 9. 2025 shooting.

Suspect in Prince William/Fauquier synthetic marijuana case arrested in Las Vegas

Narcotics Investigation – On August 18th, detectives from the Prince William-Manassas-Manassas Park Narcotics Task Force concluded a complex, multi-jurisdictional narcotics investigation involving the manufacturing and distribution of synthetic marijuana with the execution of a search warrant at 15002 Danube Way in Haymarket (20169) and the subsequent arrest of a suspect in Las Vegas, according to a news release from Prince William County Police.

Manassas City Police Beat Aug. 18, 2015

Manassas VA City Police Department's crime report for Tuesday, Aug. 18, 2015.

Prince William County police officer involved in shooting

Currently, the Prince William County Police Department is investigating an officer involved shooting which occurred at a residence located in the 13100 block of Tory Lp in Woodbridge (22192).

Rixlew Lane to be closed for railroad crossing repairs Tuesday, Aug. 18

On Tuesday, August 18 from 6:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., the Virginia Department of Transportation and Norfolk Southern will be closing Rixlew Lane at the railroad crossing just north of Wellington Road in order to replace the railroad crossing.

PWC Police seek suspect in Lake Ridge strangulation/abduction investigation

Prince William County VA Police Department crime report for Saturday, Aug. 15, 2015.

Annual Prince William County Fair open Aug. 14-22

The annual event from Aug. 14 to 22 includes livestock and produce exhibits, home arts and crafts entries, thrill rides, live music, food, nightly entertainment, baby contest, rodeo, demolition derbies and much more. Through the years it has been a fun and educational attraction and this year will be no exception at the 66th annual fair, at the Fairgrounds, a mile north of Manassas on Va. Route 234.

Manassas City Police Beat - Sept. 15, 2015

Manassas VA City Police Department's crime report for Friday, Aug. 14, 2015.

Manassas Park city offices to close for three days of training

Manassas Park City Treasurer, Commissioner of Revenue, and Water Department offices will be closed to customers on September 8th, 9th, and 10th due to essential training of City Staff.

Manassas City Police Beat Aug. 11, 2015

Manassas VA City Police Department's crime report for Tuesday, Aug. 11, 2015.

Manassas city parents can get free literacy mobile app for their preschoolers now

Manassas city parents can now register to get Footsteps2Brilliance, literacy mobile app. Register for access to download the literacy app for free. F2B is an interactive, mobile literacy program that has been proven to increase academy vocabulary, comprehension and critical thinking skills in young children.

Manassas area employers wanted to participate (for free) in Oct. 13 job fair

The Greater Manassas Community Job Fair, to be held on Tuesday, Oct. 13, Bethel Evangelical Lutheran Church Great Hall, 8712 Plantation Ln, Manassas, VA 20110 between 1pm- 6pm, is seeking employers to participate.

Community Health Fair Aug. 13-14 to offer wide range of screenings and services

Greater Prince William Community Health Center invites the public to its Community Health Fair, Aug. 13-14, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., at its Woodbridge location, 4379 Ridgewood Center Drive. The annual event will be a day of family fun, with free medical screenings, wellness education, children’s activities and free lunch.
Today's Obituaries

John Skinner, retired Police Chief, City of Manassas, VA

Chief Skinner dedicated his life to Law Enforcement with more than 37 years of service across all levels, from the line officer to the Chief of Police.

Betty Thomas Anastasi, retired Chief Deputy Clerk of PWC Circuit Court

A memorial service was held on Aug. 11, 2024 for Betty Thomas Anastasi, 99, beloved wife, mother, grandmother and friend, who passed away on Thursday, August 8, 2024 at Commonwealth Senior Living of Manassas.

Edward Wyrsch, life-long sports fan, track star, youth sports organizer, veteran, IRS retiree

Edward James Wyrsch passed away on August 4, 2024 at his home in Haymarket, VA .
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