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PWC Police charge Manassas Park man, 20, with homicide in Manassas

PWC Police make arrest in connection with Jan. 9. 2025 shooting.

Humanitarian Award for Yorkshire Elementary’s counselor Liz Vohar

Liz Vohar, a professional school counselor at Yorkshire Elementary School in Manassas, is the 2015 Virginia Counselors Association’s Humanitarian and Caring Person Award winner.

Nov. 10 meeting on VRE coming to Gainesville-Haymarket

The first community meeting for the Virginia Railway Express Gainesville-Haymarket Extension (VRE GHX) Study will be on Tuesday, Nov. 10, from 6 to 8 p.m. at Gainesville Middle School, 8001 Limestone Dr., Gainesville, VA 20155. VRE is evaluating an 11-mile extension of its commuter rail service along the Manassas Line via the Norfolk Southern Railway B-Line, extending from Manassas through Gainesville to Haymarket near the US 15 and Interstate 66 intersection.

Prince William County Police Beat - Nov. 9, 2015

Prince William County VA Police Department's crime report for Monday, Nov. 9, 2015.

Learn how PWCS helps students through grief, stress, and loss

Prince William County Schools has scheduled a middle and high school parent night on guiding students through challenges for Nov. 19 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at Kelly Leadership Center, 14715 Bristow Road, Manassas.

Manassas City Police Beat - Nov. 6, 2015

Manassas VA City Police Department's crime report for Friday, Nov. 6, 2015.

Prince William Police identify two suspects in a Nov. 1 murder case

Murder Investigation *SUSPECTS IDENTIFIED – On November 2nd, detectives from the Homicide Unit identified two suspects involved in the murder of Gilbert KINARD who was located deceased in the 15200 block of Brazil Cir in Woodbridge on November 1st.

PWDOT piloting speed display board traffic markers on Vint Hill Road and Hillendale Road

Prince William County Department of Transportation (PWDOT) has installed speed board displays on Vint Hill Road in the Greenwich area and on Hillendale Drive in Dale City. The is part of a pilot program, according to Steve Stevens, a transportation planning engineer for (PWDOT). "Something like this will provide the motorist an opportunity to get some feedback and know to slow down," Stevens said in a news release.

Police need help in locating man missing from Haymarket

MISSING ENDANGERED ADULT: The Prince William County Police Department is asking for the public's help in locating a missing, endangered adult, Robert Eugene Hardy. The investigation revealed that Robert left his home located in the 2150 block of Mountain Rd in Haymarket around 11:20AM on November 3rd.

PWC Police make arrests over weekend - Nov. 2, 2015

Prince William County VA Police Department's arrest report for Monday, Nov. 2, 2015.

Victim found on front steps of Woodbridge townhouse pronounced dead at scene

On Sunday, Nov. 1 at 7:48AM, Prince William County police officers responded to the 15200 block of Brazil Cir in Woodbridge (22193) to investigate a death. The caller reported to police that he was walking his dog when he observed an unknown man lying on the front steps of a townhouse in the area above.

Prince William County Police Beat - Oct. 29, 2015

Prince William County VA Police Department's crime report for Thursday, Oct. 29, 2015.

Pre Governor’s School to be offered at Osbourn Park High School for ninth & tenth graders

The Pre-Governor’s School at Osbourn Park High School (PGS@OP) in Manassas will be a preparatory program with an accelerated mathematics and science course sequence that prepares students who want to apply to the Governor’s School @ Innovation Park, which is open to juniors and seniors. More details on PGS@OP will be presented at a specialty program information night at OPHS on Wednesday, Dec. 9 at 7 p.m.
Today's Obituaries

John Skinner, retired Police Chief, City of Manassas, VA

Chief Skinner dedicated his life to Law Enforcement with more than 37 years of service across all levels, from the line officer to the Chief of Police.

Betty Thomas Anastasi, retired Chief Deputy Clerk of PWC Circuit Court

A memorial service was held on Aug. 11, 2024 for Betty Thomas Anastasi, 99, beloved wife, mother, grandmother and friend, who passed away on Thursday, August 8, 2024 at Commonwealth Senior Living of Manassas.

Edward Wyrsch, life-long sports fan, track star, youth sports organizer, veteran, IRS retiree

Edward James Wyrsch passed away on August 4, 2024 at his home in Haymarket, VA .
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